The same URL used to start the flow is also the URL used to step through the flow (there is also an execution key uniquely identifying the current flow instance). As a result of this approach navigation remains encapsulated in the flow definition. Some key benefits of using Spring Web Flow...
defshortName=key.replaceAll(/http.*schema.(.*).spring-.*/,'$1') assertshortName!=key FilexsdFile=subproject.sourceSets.main.allSource.find { it.path.endsWith(schemas.get(key)) } assertxsdFile!=null into (shortName) { from xsdFile.path ...
The same URL used to start the flow is also the URL used to step through the flow (there is also an execution key uniquely identifying the current flow instance). As a result of this approach navigation remains encapsulated in the flow definition. Some key benefits of using Spring Web Flow...