有关大规模部署"WebEx 快捷会议工具"的 IT 管理员指南(WBS30,WBS31) 23 使用 SMS 每系统卸载程序卸载快捷会议工具 使用 SMS 的无提示安装 如果要添加 RMENU,OFFICE 和 YAHOO,请参考以下命令行示例: msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSII5HK3 /i "ptools.msi" ADDSOUR...
msiexec /i C:\WebexBundle_en.msi INSTALLWV2=1 ACCEPT_EULA=TRUE EMAIL=$userPrincipalName ALLUSERS=1 AUTOSTART_WITH_WINDOWS=false /quiet If you're a Webex FedRAMP customers use the command below: msiexec /i C:\WebexBundle_en.msi INSTALLWV2=1 FEDRAMPENABLED=1 ACCEPT_EULA=TRUE...
MSI mass deployment Manually download and install the new package Follows site admin integration settings Yes Mass deployed with new desktop app MSI Follows the parameters specified in the command line No New Webex Sign-in Users that Never had Productivity Tools or the Desktop App(WBS33.2 ...
選取Windows 系統的適當連結 (32 位或 64 位) 下載 MSI。 您必須設定一些必要的參數,才能安裝 VDI 元件。 因此,若要執行 MSI,請開啟提升許可權的命令提示字元,然後執行下列安裝命令。 將 path 和 MSI 檔案名取代為您下載的正確路徑和檔案名。msiexec /i %path%\Webex.msi ALLUSERS=1 ENABLEVDI=1 AUTOUPGRA...
Install with ENABLEOUTLOOKINTEGRATION msi flag. SeeWebex App installation and automatic upgrade. Specifies whether Webex App registers with Microsoft Outlook for presence integration. You need administrative privileges to change it. or Register the filespark-windows-office-integration.dllon each PC. ...
为Windows 系统 (32 位或 64 位) 选择相应的链接以下载 MSI。 必须设置一些必需的开关才能安装 VDI 组件。 因此,若要运行 MSI,请打开提升的命令提示符并运行以下安装命令。 将路径和 MSI 文件名替换为下载的正确路径和文件名。msiexec /i %path%\Webex.msi ALLUSERS=1 ENABLEVDI=1 AUTOUPGRADEENABLED=0 ...
Install Option Description Use the Command Line You can specify arguments in a command line window to set installation properties. Choose this option if you plan to install multiple instances. Run the MSI Manually Run the MSI manually on the fil...
I am experiencing several challenges with rolling out the MSI using SCCM. We have decided to install to a different root folder to address Windows Firewall exceptions as there was no easy way to whitelist appdata folders. From testing, multiple users and updates still app...
The latest release is now and the MSI package has been updated to reflect. To update the system manually via PowerShell, I have a guide here https://www.graham-walsh.com/manual-update-of-the-microsoft-teams-room-system-app/ It is recommended to...
Windows cannot update package Microsoft.SkypeRoomSystem_4.0.85.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe because the previous version is not installed. Install package Microsoft.SkypeRoomSystem_4.0.85.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe instead of updating it. And the version I downloaded is still SRSDepl...