腾讯会议(Tencent Meeting,TM)是一款基于腾讯21年音视频通讯经验积累的高清流畅、便捷易用、安全可靠的云视频会议产品,让用户随时随地高效开会,全方位满足不同场景下的会议需求。 用户可以使用“腾讯会议”进行远程音视频会议、在线文档协作、屏幕共享等。腾讯会议覆盖 PC、移动客户端,分为个人版(免费)和专业版(付费)...
11.It has integration with G Suite Google Docs Google Drive Google sheets and Google notes.It can be integrated with Google Drive, Google tasks and several such applications. 12.It is very secure. Host can mute, admit or deny participants. It has complex meeting ID that is resilient to bru...