19.将SATART VIEW设为缺省(默认第一屏) 20.创建 web dynpro application进行测试,搞定。
方法/步骤 1 输入T-CODE:SICF 2 输入ServiceName:ZZ_SOC_WDA_TRANSFER,然后点击执行 3 双击程序名 4 选择LogonData页签 5 编辑LogonData:输入用户名和密码 6 保存!完成。下次登录后,就不用在输入SAP帐号,别克直接登录
After you install the Application Server ABAP (AS-ABAP), all Internet Communication Framework (ICF) services are delivered as inactive (this is for security reasons). Following the installation you must decide, on an application-related basis, which services you must manually activate. Other terms ...
You can use tcode WD_TRACE_TOOL to switch on trace. After that when you launch your webdynpro application, you can observe there is a Webdynpro trace window embedded in the bottom of the application. You can either deactivate the trace in old Dynpro tool or in that embedded window. ...
1、T-CODE:SE80进入“对象导航“界面,程序类型选择“业务服务器页面应用程序”(英文:BusinessServerPages Application),然后在程序名处输入程序名,找到业务功能对应的视图,如图1.1.1-1: 图1.1.1-1 说明: a、本练习对采购订单进行更改。 2、找到要添加WebDynpro页面的BSP视图页面,然后双击进入页面代码中,并将代码...
1、1、 WebDynpro 实例目的:将SAP 中开发的程序在 Web 中运行进而不需要在客户机上安装 SAPGUI说明: 涉及容:1.1 SE80 创建 WebDynpro 程序1、T-CODE :SE80 进入“对象导航“界面,程序类型选择“ WebDynpro组件 /接口”,然后在程序名处输入程序名,如图 1.1-1 :图 1.1-12、光标置于程序名称处,点击“火车...
(1) Create an form interface in tcode SFP. Choose interface type as ABAP Dictionary-Based Interface. Just create two parameter NAME and SCORE. Activate the interface. (2) Create a new form template via tcode SFP. Click “Context”tab, drag the two parameters from Interface to the right ...
Web Dynpro 今天开始学习webdynpro,首先声明,本人绝对的菜鸟,刚刚起步,这里记录的可以说是学习笔记.有不准确的地方实属正常,还希望大家指正.先按照国际惯例(靠,哪来的国际惯例),上hello world程序.1.进入abap workbench T-code:SE80 2.创建第一个webdypro程序 ...
It will help to call SAP Tcode from the Webbrowser using webdynpro for ABAP. Solution Description SAP Internet Transaction Server (ITS) – The ITS is the interface between the Internet and R/3 and is the runtime engine that links Web server to the R/3 Application server. So to display...