NameError:名称“By”未定义 对于代码 chrome_driver_path = r"C:\chromedriver.exe" from selenium import webdriver from import expected_conditions as EC from import WebDriverWait browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_driver_path) browser.delete_all_...
当你在Python中遇到“name 'webdriver' is not defined”这个错误时,通常意味着webdriver这个名称在你尝试使用它的作用域内没有被定义或导入。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤,以及相应的代码示例: 确认webdriver是否已正确导入 webdriver 并不是 Python 标准库的一部分,它通常是 Selenium 库中的一个模块。你需要确保你...
3.ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '__main__.extension_connection'; '__mai 4. NameError: name 'webdriver' is not defined 原因:我看的是Selenium2 Python自动化测试实战(第二版)感觉是有很多错误的,这里的from Selenium import webdriver里面的Selenium 应该是小写才对selenium...
NameError: name 'location_once_scrolled_into_view' is not defined a.location_once_scrolled_into_view {u'y': 29, u'x': 8} a.parent <selenium.webdriver.firefox.webdriver.WebDriver (session="f57849aa-5174-4dea-93c1-030e4fbf21f8")> ...
firefoxdriver().setup(); WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.webDriver.get(""); WebElement element = driver.webDriver.findElement("q")); assertNotNull(element); } 原文由 mbn217 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议 ...
or by a const defined in WebDriverBy.php (see below). The advantage to this is that you will know much faster (as in compile time) whether you have fat-fingered something.ID XPATH LINK_TEXT PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT NAME TAG_NAME CLASS_NAME CSS_SELECTOR...
Give your project a Project name, save it to your preferred Location, and then select Create. A new project is created, with all the code placed in the Program.cs file. Next, add Selenium to the project; install Selenium by using the Selenium.WebDriver NuGet package as follows. To downlo...