Webcam Toy® Take pictures online with your webcam using over 80 free fun effects. Save photos to your computer, or share with friends! Over 80 funfree digitaleffects and filters to use with yourwebcamera. Take photos online, downloadand save selfies to your computer, and share!Take self...
Webcam Toy® Take pictures online with your webcam using over 80 free fun effects. Save photos to your computer, or share with friends! Over 80 funfree digitaleffects and filters to use with yourwebcamera. Take photos online, downloadand save selfies to your computer, and share!Take self...
Webcam Toy線上拍照工具,使用電腦的Webcam網路攝影機照相,拍出來不僅僅是普通的照片,內建有馬賽克、四格漫畫風、美白濾鏡、熱效應、閃閃發光、飄雪、霓虹燈多達80多種濾鏡特效,不用再使用其他圖片編輯器,用視訊鏡頭也能拍出高質感的藝術相片!免安裝軟體,無論是Windows或Mac開啟網頁立即拍。 Webcam Toy 線上拍照...
Webcam Toy® Prenez des photos en ligne avec votre webcam en utilisant plus de 80 effets amusants gratuits. Enregistrez les photos sur votre ordinateur et publiez-les sur Twitter !Webcam ToyPlus de 80 effets amusants à utiliser avec votre caméra. Prenez des photos, téléchargez, et ...
Webcam Toy是一个提供丰富摄像头特效的在线服务平台,用户可以通过选择不同的特效来美化摄像头画面,增加视频通话和直播的趣味性和专业性。
Webcam Toy is one of the smallestChromeextensions you can find on the Chrome Web Store, clocking in at just around 25 KB in size. This was made possible by it relying almost completely on the standaloneWebcam Toy web apppage that is called upon whenever you click the camera icon that ...
Webcam Toy also allows you to save pictures directly in your gallery, google photos, google photos drive and also allows you to save and download the image very conveniently. You can also set the default storage of your app in the webcam toy photos folder, which will allow you to access...
Play with more than 80 fun camera effects and filters, take photos, save to your computer, or share.Webcam Toy will load in a few seconds. Allow...
网络网络摄像头玩具 网络释义 1. 网络摄像头玩具 Paul Neav也开发了一个美观的拍照应用程序,称为网络摄像头玩具(Webcam Toy)。它有几十种令人着迷的效果可供选择, …|基于6个网页
1. Webcam Toy Webcam Toy是一个网页版的摄像头应用,无需下载安装,直接在浏览器中使用。它提供了多种拍摄效果和滤镜,非常适合快速拍照。 2. Photo Booth for Windows Photo Booth for Windows模仿了Mac系统的Photo Booth应用,提供了简单的拍照和编辑功能。这款软件完全免费,适合家庭用户使用。