Tsuki tenshin, according to Grand Seiko, refers to the select few moments when a full moon is at its absolute peak in the night sky, a short degree of time that must be particularly inspiring for those looking out the window of Grand Seiko’s Shinshu Watch Studio, which overlooks the Shin...
Tenshin Aikido and some other modernized sub-styles (like Bruce Bookman's) can significantly bump Aikido's usability in self-defense scenarios, by increasing usability at short range and introducing ways to maintain connection with uke without relying on him to stupidly glue himself to you. This ...
On the downside, this statement from their web site needs more explaination: “Client access licenses (CALs) do not apply to Windows Server 2003, Web Edition. However, Windows Server 2003, Web Edition, can be used as the scale-out front end for applications such as Windows SharePoint™ Se...
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