In Model 1 (M1), a single factor – Web Purchasing Intention is used to represent all 13 items; In Model 2 (M2), four independent factors are adopted; In Model 3 (M3), these four factors are made to be correlative to each other; Model 4 (M4) shows a structure with single second-...
using a hierarchicalagglomerative clusteringalgorithm into a predefined two-level hierarchical structure, consisting of 14 major categories together with 100 subcategories. The approach requires search engine log data that are typically not accessible by outsiders. The predefineddirectory structurealso does ...
This is the personal website of the Web Developer, Mhamad Khodari. A professional in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, Accessibility, and web standards.
“The big decisions like how many houses will be built and how much money will be spent are approved by the Chinese, but we have only ever dealt with the Peruvians.” The decision to hire managers with local experience also demonstrates a move away from reliance on high-level interaction w...
Liang describes the many obstacles Lee faced to reach success in her sport including childhood scoliosis and a battle with cancer later in life, as well as the racism and misogyny she dealt with throughout her career. Liang also includes a moving interview with Lee’s elderly mother who ...
Consumer participants, specifically, reported having dealt with gambling problems for an average of 9.4 years (SD = 4.5), mostly due to playing EGMs (80.0%), and four out of five had sought assistance from a gambling counsellor in the past. Table 1. Common participant characteristics (...
The first ontology to be created for a particular domain of knowledge may assume a monopolistic position that becomes virtually unassailable, even if it has universally acknowledged weaknesses in its structure. If a large volume of legacy data has been encoded with a successful ontology, this will...
Given the variety of textual corpora that have to be dealt with, a toolbox of text mining services allowing customization and tailoring of a text mining pipeline to specific use cases is extremely welcome. Users can submit arbitrary documents to the OntoGene mining services by embedding the text...
are not cryptographic keys, but they can be converted to cryptographic keys with a password based key derivation function. What should not be done is exactly what was done here: copying the password string (which was incorrectly labelled called a ‘key’) into a SecretKeySpec structure. ...
Since extra-page navigation operations are not uncommon (clicking the Back button, for example, has been consistently found to be the most frequent mechanism used to revisit a previously displayed page [4], [5]), they cannot be disregarded as exotic cases that may be dealt with through some...