Some web services can not be tested standalone with the Test Client. In these cases, you will need to create a separate web service to act as a client of the main web service for the purpose of testing. You will need to test in this "indirect" way if the web service you want to ...
After you have created a web service you can run the service in the Universal Test Client to test the web service.
RPCServiceClient serviceClient = new RPCServiceClient(); Options options = serviceClient.getOptions(); EndpointReference targetEPR = new EndpointReference(""); options.setTo(targetEPR); // QName of the target method QName qName = new QName("http...
双击“Internet Information Services”。 展开Internet Information Services,然后找到WebServiceTest虚拟目录。 右键单击WebServiceTest,然后选择“属性”。 选择“目录安全性”选项卡。 在“匿名访问和身份验证控制”下,选择“编辑”。 在“身份验证方法”对话框中,选择清除“匿名访问”复选框。
双击“Internet Information Services”。 展开Internet Information Services,然后找到WebServiceTest虚拟目录。 右键单击WebServiceTest,然后选择“属性”。 选择“目录安全性”选项卡。 在“匿名访问和身份验证控制”下,选择“编辑”。 在“身份验证方法”对话框中,选择清除“匿名访问”复选框。
发布之后,我们打开网页输入地址即可打开它的wsdl:http://localhost:8280/helloService/services/HelloService?wsdl 前面的地址,在helloService\WebContent\wsdl\HelloService.wsdl下可以看到, 现在服务端已经建立。 接下来,我们就需要使用client去连这个Webservice服务了, ...
b.Generate Web Services test client as explained in Part-1. After the test client is deployed to test the Web Services Client, complete the following steps. 1. Select one resource node, com.playerentity.player. 2. In the "Choose method to test" field, select GET (application/xml). ...
To Generate Web Services Test client, complete the following steps. a. Select PlayerServer project. b. Right-click and select Test RESTful Web Services. Configure REST test Client window opens as shown in the below screenshot. 2 . Select "Web Test Client in project" and click Browse. 3....
没错,这个就是书上介绍的恶心的WSDL文档,其实这东西完全不用自己写,都是可以由eclipse 帮我们生成。 最后,我们也可以中浏览器中打开这个文件:"http://localhost:8080/MyService/services/MyService?wsdl"。这就意味这只要本机能作为服务器,那么因特网上的任何一台主机都可以访问这个url,并且利用这个内容调用服务器...
Postman is yet another API/ web services testing tool which comes with powerful HTTP client support. It has an easy-to-use request builder that allows you to write test cases and manage response data and response time for efficient testing and management of API test cases. ...