5、启动项目,查看wsdl web service默认发布在http://localhost:8081/services/路径下: 6、用soapUI测试没有问题 7、用ABAP调用web service *&---**& FORM fm_call_http_client*&---*FORMfm_call_http_client.DATAis_zweb_configTYPEzweb_config.SELECTSINGLE*INTOCORRESPONDINGFIELDSOFis_zweb_configFROMzweb...
I_CHANGE_STATUS 状态更新(取消一个当前状态,激活一个新的状态) 补充一点,还有一个取项目的状态描述的FUNCTION是:STATUS_TEXT_EDIT在【ABAP】项目相关开发中的一些经验总结里有详细的用法介绍。 如何开发webservice接口 以下是操作步骤: 1、编写服务代码 服务代码提供了两个函数,分别为sayHello和sayHelloToPerson,在He...
ABAP 调用外部 WebService作者z SAP天元ABAP调用夕卜咅B WebServiceSAP天元Email: saptianyuanQQ: 775632594Blog: 目录基fit矢欣3创建WebService使用者4创建R
Step 11:Give sales order number in URL and click F5 Note:To debugthe web service you have to put external break point in the methodHANDLE_REQUEST Reference Link :Building Mash-Ups and simplifying Application Integration withRESTful Web Services in SAP ABAP ...
1.外部访问SAP Webservices服务配置(Service Provider) 要让外部应用能够访问SAP的WebService(以下简称为WS),那么必须配置SAP的webservice作为服务提供者(Service Provider),可以将SAP已有功能封装成webservice对象,以WEB标准协议在Internet上被其他系统进行调用。 具体的实现课按照如下步骤进行操作: 1.1.创建RFC函数 1.2....
ABAP可以直接引入或发布webService. 详见连接 无峰,公众号:ABAP 技巧与实战SAP操作手册之 ABAP调用WEB服务 详见连接 无峰,公众号:ABAP 技巧与实战SAP操作手册之 RFC函数发布WEB服务 三 webService的优点 个人认为webService的最大优点就在于包含了WSDL (WebServicesDescriptionLanguage) . WSDL包含了这个接口的几乎所有...
Create the service consumer proxy in ABAP backend (1) tcode SE80, choose tab “Enterprise Services Browser”, right click on Objects, choose “Create new Object”, Choose Service Consumer and click continue: Specify a prefix: Lots of proxy objects for runtime usage will be created: ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Thomas , I am trying to consume web service in ABAP . I have followed the procedure from one of your web blog <a href="/people/thomas.jung3/blog/2004/11/17/bsp-a-developers-journal-part-xiv--consuming-webservices-with-abap a Developer's Journal...
There could be multiple possibilities to achieve this integration, one of the ways is to Consume the Web Services provided by the Microsoft SharePoint System. For example we have made use of Copy.asmx to Upload the documents and Lists.asmx to Update the documents in a List and also Delete ...