Whenever we visit any webpage for the first time, a browser cache policy (if present) tells a web browser to store specific elements on the local device. This helps the user load the webpage faster on subsequent visits and reduces the load on the origin or edge server. Images, CSS, Jav...
The user’s proximity to your web server has an impact on response times. Deploying your content across multiple, geographically dispersed servers will make your pages load faster from the user’s perspective. But where should you start? As a first step to implementing geographically dispersed cont...
If the server load gets light, the connection pool is trimmed back automatically and others using that server get better performance. If the server load gets heavy, the pool can grow as needed. Choosing not to pool connections will result in idle connections, which waste server and network ...
which is a temporary storage on their hard drive. The next time they go to that website, their browser can load that page without sending an additional HTTP request to the server.
Sonar announced the release of its latest Long-Term Active (LTA) version, SonarQube Server 2025 Release 1 (2025.1). Idera Launches Sembi - A Unified SaaS Portfolio for Software Quality Management January 23, 2025 Idera announced the launch of Sembi, a multi-brand entity created to unify its ...
Stress Test Your Website with Ease Record any browser or web application activity and StresStimulus will replay it with hundreds or thousands of concurrent users. It executes HTTP load testing by accurately emulating and measuring user impact on server infrastructure. ...
This technology made easier to write Comet-based applications on the client side, but the scalability on the server side was still a challenge. In this situation, Scala programming language and Lift Web application framework could step in and deliver a scalable back end for the Comet application...
在ArkWeb组件运行阶段,会经过onAppear、load、onPageBegin、onPageEnd步骤。预解析、预连接优化适用于Web页面启动和跳转场景,例如,应用启动时需要加载Web首页。当开发者已经创建一个ArkWeb组件的实例后,可以选择不同时机对当前ArkWeb组件设置URL并进行预解析、预连接: 如下图中a节点所示,如果是应用首页,推荐在ArkWeb...
Stress Test Your Website with Ease Record any browser or web application activity and StresStimulus will replay it with hundreds or thousands of concurrent users. It executes HTTP load testing by accurately emulating and measuring user impact on server infrastructure. ...
configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful To load config changes, type: # /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload To stop server, type: # /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop #1: Turn On SELinux Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a Linux kernel feature th...