app_server_root/etc/ws-security/samples/dsig-sender.ks app_server_root/etc/ws-security/samples/dsig-receiver.ks app_server_root/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-sender.jceks app_server_root/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-receiver.jceks app_server_root/etc/ws-security/samples/intca2.cer 其中app_ser...
Opens the Web-application configuration file as a Configuration object using the specified virtual path, site name, location, server, and security context to allow read or write operations.OpenWebConfiguration(String) Opens the Web-application configuration file as a Configuration object using the spe...
<securityTokenManager type="SecureConvCodeService.DatabaseSCTManager,SecureConvCodeService" xmlns:wssc="" qname="wssc:SecurityContextToken"> <!—You should follow best practices for managing sensitive configuration information like connection strings and keys ...
configuration--- Webm server enable : true Webm server https port : 8443 Webm server http forward enable : true Webm server time out : 600 Webm server max user num : 10 Webm server lock ip enable : false Webm server lock ip retry interval: - Webm server lock ip retry time : -...
redirect portal ipv4 <external-server's-IP max-http-conns 10 配置AAA设置 此配置部分仅适用于为webauth或webconsent身份验证类型配置的参数映射。 步骤1.导航到Configuration > Security > AAA,然后选择AAA Method List。配置新的方法列表,选择+ Add并填写列表详细信息;确保Type设置为...
Security policy that allows the access of PCs to Server1: Security policy that allows the access of PCs to Server2:Verifying the Security Policy Configuration During 08:00-17:00, PCs at and cannot access the two servers. These two PCs can access the servers in other tim...
Security Enhancements toserver.xml Security Enhancements tosun-web.xml Actions of Request and Response Policy Configurations The following table shows message protection policy configuration and the resulting message security operations performed by the WS-Security SOAP message security providers for that confi...
Configuring ISAPI and CGI Restrictions in IIS 7 Configuring Secure Sockets Layer in IIS 7 Configuring Request Filters Configuring Shared Configuration Configure HTTP Settings Configure Web Application Development Settings Monitor Activity on a Web Server ...
name="usernameHandler"/> <sc:CallbackHandler default="user_password" name="passwordHandler"/> </sc:CallbackHandlerConfiguration> <sc:TrustStore wspp:visibility="private" location="C:\Sun\glassfish\domains\domain1\config\cacerts.jks" storepass="changeit" peeralias="xws-security-server"/...
A secure Web server provides a protected foundation for hosting your Web applications, and Web server configuration plays a critical role in your Web application's security. Badly configured virtual directories, a common mistake, can lead to unauthorized access. A forgotten share can provide a ...