Whether you're a seasoned SDR user looking to stay updated on the latest developments or a newcomer eager to explore the world of software-defined radio, SDRZone has something for everyone. Best of all, our content is available for free, ensuring that anyone with an interest in SDR ...
Follow along with me as I continue building this site to: ZebraHamRadio.com/index-learn-2 where you will find useful links and tidbits about our Sun, Solar System and Radio Waves. 7155 LIGHTED HOBBY PENS SDR RADIO IS HERE: This is an SDR site from Sedona, AZ where you can tune ...
"A WebSDR is a Software-Defined Radio receiver connected to the internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously. SDR technology makes it possible that all listeners tune independently, and thus listen to different signals". New to Ham Radio? One question raised by new ha...
Hamfest in Jackson, MS in Jauary 2017. In January 2018 I added a new ICOM IC-7610 to my fleet of HF rigs. This is Icom's new Software Defined Radio (SDR) with 2 distinct receivers. I am mainly a Contester and DXer. Some of the newer high-end rigs might be better and have ...
sdrsdr-donglesdr-devicesdr-receiveropenwebrx UpdatedFeb 2, 2021 Shell A collection of tools I wrote to remotely monitor local repeaters using OpenWebRX. sdrhamradioopenwebrx UpdatedMar 25, 2022 Python A dockerfile for fventuri/codecserver-mbelib-module ...
Open source, multi-user SDR receiver software with a web interface - openwebrx/owrx/feature.py at 5a0398ceb569ee8345b877156adb4f25b1702564 · mkopa/openwebrx
SDR Waistpack The Ballislife SDR Waistpack is our waistpack aka fanny pack that's perfect to keep your phone, wallet, and keys in one spot when you're on the go. Wear it on shoulder, hip, or wherever, but always...Visit Shop Throwie Basketball Shorts Your best pair of basketball ...
What is RTL-SDR The RTL-SDR is an ultra cheap software defined radio based on DVB-T TV tuners with RTL2832U chips. The RTL-SDR can be used as a wide band radio scanner. It may interest ham radio enthusiasts, hardware hackers, tinkerers and anyone interested in RF. Privacy Policy ...
RFSpace SDR-IQ "Software Defined Radio" Spectrum Analyzer MFJ-993b Intellituner MFJ-998 Intellituner Ameritron 811H 800 watt Amplifier GAP Titan DX Vertical Antenna (80-10 meters) HomeBrew 4 Band Parallel Cage Dipole (The Monster) 2 Icom IC-2200H (VHF) Mobiles ...
which is also a SDR (Software Defined Radio). It will have to be a paradigm shift better for these people to dump the K3 and move to the new Flex 6000 series of transceivers. But if it is a better radio, I am sure that there will be a lot of used K3's on the market. The ...