这么繁杂的信息是有历史原因的,cname 是必须的,msid/mslabel/label 这三个属性都是 WebRTC 自创的,或者说 Google 自创的,可以参考https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-mmusic-msid-17,理解它们三者的关系需要先了解三个概念:RTPstream / MediaStreamTrack / MediaStream : 一个a=ssrc 代表一个 RTP strea...
这里对 index.js 稍作修改, 添加https支持(新的WebRTC不支持http)和添加控制台日志. 需要自己生成https证书, 并复制key.pem和cert.pem文件到Node.js工程的根目录. 在log()方法中加上console.log('chao', array); 就能在控制台看到日志了. var fs = require('fs'); var options = { key: fs.readFile...
WebRTC(Web Real-Time Communication)是一种支持浏览器间实时音视频通信的开放源代码项目。在一个简单的WebRTC音视频通话示例中,首先需要创建两个网页:一个用于发起通话的"Caller",另一个用于接听通话的"Receiver"。 在"Caller"端,通过JavaScript代码获取本地麦克风和摄像头的权限,并使用WebRTC API创建一个本地媒体...
简单介绍下, Node.js工程中主要文件是index.js和js/main.js,index.js负责启动Node.js服务器, 初始化socket.io服务端, 等待给客户端发送数据. 而js/main.js是网页客户端(详细使用方法请参考官方教程). 这里对index.js稍作修改, 添加https支持(新版WebRTC不支持http), 添加控制台日志. 自己生成https证书, 并复...
webrtc windows 参数说明 action_pool_depth Currentvalue(fromthedefault)=-1 From //build/toolchain/BUILD.gn:10 Poolfornon goma tasks. aec_untrusted_delay_for_testing Currentvalue(fromthedefault)=false From //modules/audio_processing/BUILD.gn:18...
WebRTC components (see add-on options page): a. navigator.getUserMedia b. window.MediaStreamTrack c. window.RTCPeerConnection d. window.RTCSessionDescription To report bugs, please visit the extension's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/webrtc-control.html) and fill the bug report form. ...
一:WebRTC中的RTP/RTCP模块 (一)RTP/RTCP简介 RTP/RTCP协议是流媒体通信的基石。RTP协议定义流媒体数据在互联网上传输的数据包格式,而RTCP协议则负责可靠传输、流量控制和拥塞控制等服务质量保证。 在WebRTC项目中,RTP/RTCP模块作为传输模块的一部分,负责对发送端采集到的媒体数据进行进行封包,然后交给上层网络模块发...
WebRTC is designed with an objective to establish a direct connection between two parties, but because of the NAT layer both parties connect through a proxy which results in some complications. Different NAT configurations (Normal (full cone) NAT, Restricted cone NAT, Port restricted cone NAT, ...
One agent full, one lite: The full agent MUST take the controlling role, and the lite agent MUST take the controlled role. The full agent will form check lists, run the ICE state machines, and generate connectivity checks. That agent will execute the logicinSection8.1to nominate pairs that...
It is possible to provide an overview of a device's network and media capabilities in a clear and readable form. Google provides a tool you can use athttps://test.webrtc.org/. Simply hit theStartbutton to get a full description of your machine. Xirsys provides this same tool in their ...