WebQRCode 介绍 Web版QRCode 在线生成带水印的二维码。 软件架构 软件架构说明 安装教程 xxxx xxxx xxxx 使用说明 xxxx xxxx xxxx 参与贡献 Fork 本仓库 新建Feat_xxx 分支 提交代码 新建Pull Request 码云特技 使用Readme_XXX.md 来支持不同的语言,例如 Readme_en.md, Readme_zh.md 码云官方博客 blog.gitee...
The Benefits of Using QR Codes onWebsites The QR Code method is really about saving your visitors time and effort from manually inputting information and searching through the vast expanse of the online world. Dramatic, we know, but it’s all about streamlining not only from offline to online...
Explore QR Code Encryption - InterCloud: A One-Stop Online Tool Library Recently, I discovered an exciting website - QR Code Encryption - The Cloud (www.shulijp.com). This site was an accidental "discovery" when I was looking for various online tools, and is really a one-stop-shop for...
Discover Nima QR Code: a convenient QR code generation and parsing tool Simple and clear QR code generator Free to beautify the QR code Online parsing to make information more convenient Personal experience: simple, smooth user interface Conclusion: Into the World of QR Codes ...
Create your QR Code widget Configure your widget and add it to your website for free! Why do I need QR Code widget? Share the information instantly A QR widget can be a quick way to provide users with information if your resources are limited ...
產品應用實例 QR-CodeQR-Code EEPM-A / EEPM-B 系列 薄小工件加工應用 EEEPM-D / EEPM-E 系列 中大型工件加工應用 EEPM-CIR 系列 圓形工件加工應用 EEPM-V / EEPM-IT 系列 臥式側面加工應用 EEPM-C / ECB 系列 龍門大型工件加工應用 EEPM-PIM 系列 塑膠射出成型快速換模系統 EEPML 系列 精密線軌或長條...
创建Qrcode组件 设置组件类型 设置样式 场景示例 生成并显示二维码,具体用法请参考Qrcode。 创建Qrcode组件 在pages/index目录下的hml文件中创建一个Qrcode组件。 <!-- xxx.hml--> <div class="container"> <qrcode value="Hello"></qrcode> </div> /* xxx.css */ .container { width: 100%; ...
主要使用到 qrcode 库,分享的工程内已经有了,作为插件导入到新工程内即可。 2. 组件设置 创建个空节点,设置好二维码显示的长宽,挂载 QRcode 组件和 Graphics 组件,把节点的锚点设置成 (0, 0)。 3. 动态生成 需要动态生成时,调用 QRcode 组件的 makeCode 方法,传入需要动态生成的字符串,二维码将会显示在上一...
- scanning -
The online QR code recognition it offers is equally impressive. I once came across some QR codes at a trade show, and when I tried to access the related information, I found that my cell phone could not scan them properly. Later, I used the decoding function of this website and ...