Use our Manuscript Matcher to find the best relevant journals! Filtersdelete_foreverClear All Web of ScienceCoverage Core Collection Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) ...
Browse, search, and explore journals indexed in the Web of Science TheMaster Journal Listis an invaluable tool to help you to find the right journal for your needs across multiple indices hosted on theWeb of Scienceplatform. Spanning all disciplines and regions,Web of Science Core Collectionis ...
2023年3月20日,运营Web of Science(WoS)的科睿唯安(Clarivate)发布了一篇署名Nandita Quaderi的博客文章,题为“支持学术记录的完整性:我们对Web of Science的监管和选择性的承诺”(Supporting integrity of the scholarly record: Our commitment to curation and selectivity in the Web of Science)[1]。 文中称...
Web of Science 核心合輯是全球首屈一指的引文資料庫,內含來自全球最具影響力期刊的文獻記錄,包括開放式存取期刊,以及研討會論文集和書籍。某些文獻收錄日期甚至可追溯至 1900 年。收錄範圍將取決於貴機構的訂閱年限。For a complete list of journals covered by Web of Science Core Collection, consult the ...
如图 3 所示,打开 JCR 页面,我们可以发现其主要提供三个检索选项,第一个是检索文章(Browse journals...
权威的 Web of Science 告诉你! 翘首以朌的 2022 年 SCI 影响因子终于公布了!各位科研小伙伴们最希望的,肯定是自己发表过和拟投期刊的影响因子涨涨涨了。 毫无疑问,影响因子是科研小伙伴选刊投稿的最重要的参考指标之一。但是除了影响因子,选刊投稿要考虑的还真不少。很多小伙伴在发第一篇 SCI 的时候,光是...
权威的 Web of Science 告诉你! 翘首以朌的 2022 年 SCI 影响因子终于公布了!各位科研小伙伴们最希望的,肯定是自己发表过和拟投期刊的影响因子涨涨涨了。 毫无疑问,影响因子是科研小伙伴选刊投稿的最重要的参考指标之一。但是除了影响因子,选刊投稿要考虑的还真不少。很多小伙伴在发第一篇 SCI 的时候,光是...
Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus are the two bibliographic DBs generally accepted as the most comprehensive data sources for various purposes [10]. WoS was the first broad scope international bibliographic DB. Therefore, over time it became the most influential bibliographic data source traditionally...
Use the cited work index to find additional abbreviations for journals, along with books and other publications. This index contains all of the cited works in Web of Science. Click on a letter to move through the journal list alphabetically. 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N ...
Displays the China Computer Federation (CCF) recommended rank of international conferences and journals in the dblp, Google Scholar, Connected Papers and and Web of Science search results. chrome-extensionfirefox-addondblpgoogle-scholarweb-of-scienceedge-addonchina-computer-federationconnected-papers ...