2023年3月20日,运营Web of Science(WoS)的科睿唯安(Clarivate)发布了一篇署名Nandita Quaderi的博客文章,题为“支持学术记录的完整性:我们对Web of Science的监管和选择性的承诺”(Supporting integrity of the scholarly record: Our commitment to curation and selectivity in the Web of Science)[1]。 文中称...
The Master Journal List is an invaluable tool to help you to find the right journal for your needs across multiple indices hosted on the Web of Science platform. Spanning all disciplines and regions, Web of Science Core Collection is at the heart of the Web of Science platform. Curated with...
Chinese Journal of Electronics (即《电子学报(英文)》) 2023年5,6期及2024年1期现已被Web of Science数据库收录,欢迎广大读者专家前往检索。https://www.webofscience.com/wos 期刊简介 Chinese Journal of Electronics(即《电子学报...
Web of Science TheMaster Journal Listis an invaluable tool to help you to find the right journal for your needs across multiple indices hosted on theWeb of Scienceplatform. Spanning all disciplines and regions,Web of Science Core Collectionis at the heart of theWeb of Scienceplatform. Curated ...
文中称,科睿唯安通过调查发现Web of Science核心合集中收录的一些期刊不满足他们为Web of Science核心合集设定的质量标准[2],目前已经剔除了50种期刊。同日,Web of Science Master Journal List(https://mjl.clarivate.com)更新了Web of Science核心合集收录的期刊目录。目前尚不清楚是哪50种期刊被剔除。
2024年12月16日,科睿唯安更新了Web of Science核心期刊目录,自2023年起科睿唯安(Clarivate)每个月定期对Web of science核心合集中SCIE、SSCI、AHCI和ESCI四个子库的期刊目录进行更新,更新内容大致包括新增、剔除和更名三种情况。 本次...
自2023年起,科睿唯安Web of Science核心合集(Web of Science Core CollectionTM)期刊列表于每月中旬进行更新。 分为以下几种情况: Accepted:Journal has passed editorial evaluation and technical evaluation…
Our independent and thorough editorial selection process coupled with sixty years of consistent, accurate, and complete indexing enables efficient research discovery in an environment you can trust. Explorenorth_east Science Citation Index Expanded Advance scientific research with the world’s first ...
自2023年起,科睿唯安Web of Science核心合集(Web of Science Core CollectionTM)期刊列表于每月中旬进行更新。 分为以下几种情况: Accepted:Journal has passed editorial evaluation and technical evaluation and is covered in Web of Science Core Collection(期刊已通过编辑评估和技术评估,并被收录在Web of Science...
7月17日,最新的Journal List数据中,Web of Science数据库中又有5本刊被踢出,被踢出的期刊中有停止检索的,也有更改信息的,下面学点小编给大家具体分享被踢出的5本期刊详细情况!期刊信息变更:JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME更名为:ASME JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER。除此之外,...