52 Journal of Bridge Engineering 3.066 Q2 53 JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 3.054 Q2 54 EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA 3.03 Q2 55 Structures 2.983 Q2 56 Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 2.957 Q2 57 Underground Space 2.824 Q2 58 JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING 2.817 Q2 59 FIRE ...
https://clarivate.com/blog/mapping-the-path-to-future-changes-in-the-journal-citation-reports/ https://clarivate.com/blog/building-trust-through-transparency-our-pledge-to-provide-more-clarity-around-web-of-science-journal-coverage/ 02 神经领域10分以上SCI期刊展示 临床神经领域 Clinical Neurology 10...
3.下图是从 Web of Science 检索时获得的期刊 “JOURNAL OF MEDICINALCHEMISTRY ” 有关信息,说法错误的是() JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRYPublisher name: AMER CHEMICAL SOCJournal Impact Factor7.37.32022Five YearJCR CategoryCategory RankCategory QuartileCHEMISTRY, MEDICINAL4/60in SCIE editionQ1...
JOURNAL CITATION QUICK REFERENCE CARD REPORTS® ™ POWERED BY WEB OF SCIENCE WHAT IS JOURNAL CITATION REPORTS? Coverage in Two Editions Journal Citation Reports® (JCR®) provides a JCR citation data comes from over 10,500 systematic, objective means to evaluate the journals, representing ove...
EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE Publisher name ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC Journal Impact Factor ™ 2022 3.2 Five Year 3.5 Source: Journal Citation Reports 2022.Learn moreopen_in_new Journal Citation Indicator ™New 2022 0.89 2021 1.03 The Journal Citation Indicator is a measure of the average ...
Objective: To describe the Cuban dental scientific production indexed in the Web of Science in the period 2007-2016. Methods : An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed through bibliometric analysis. The following variables were studied: amount of articles, citations, self...
To better reveal the influence of a journal in all assigned categories a rank-in-category table will display each category in which the journal appears along with the rank in the category and the quartile in which that journal is placed in the category based on the Impact Factor. * * ...
Is this a Science Citation Journal.. What is the impact factor of this journal Reply MMelanie Ortiz 4 years ago Dear Anitha, thank you very much for your comment. SCImago Journal and Country Rank uses Scopus data, our impact indicator is the SJR. Check out our web to localize the journa...
of today’s engineering science. As the internet of things continues to grow, billions and trillions of data bytes need to be moved, stored and shared. The energy thus consumed and the climate impact of data centers are increasing dramatically, thereby becoming significant contributors to global ...
Probe reaction times below 200 ms or above 1.5 interquartile range above the third quartile of a participant’s distribution (Tukey,1977) were excluded from analysis. Additionally, trials were only included for analysis, if both prime response and probe response were correct. Due to these constr...