Our independent and thorough editorial selection process coupled with sixty years of consistent, accurate, and complete indexing enables efficient research discovery in an environment you can trust. Explorenorth_east Science Citation Index Expanded Advance scientific research with the world’s first ...
Your Web of Science (WoS) Author Record allows you to track your publications indexed in WoS. An accurate profile lets you build better metrics reports for promotion and grant applications. How WoS Author Record uses an algorithm that matches author names based on information including affiliation...
Upon review, I found that manuscripts from Issues 42 and 43 do not appear to be indexed in SCI (Web of Science), while those from Issue 44 have been included.I kindly request your assistance in investigating this matter and providing insights into why our manuscript may not have been indexe...
Upon review, I found that manus from Issues 42 and 43 do not appear to be indexed in SCI (Web of Science), while those from Issue 44 have been included. I kindly request your assistance in investigating this matter and providing insights into why our manu may not have been indexed in S...
一般大家会想到直接联系杂志社,但有时候杂志社的回应并不及时也无法直接解决,因为Web of Science是科睿唯安的系统,杂志社也需要和科睿唯安沟通才能处理,所以大家可以直接在科睿唯安系统反应并提交文章补录请求。 首先进入链接:https://support.clarivate.com/ScientificandAcademicResearch/s/datachanges?language=en_US ...
Science Citation Index Expanded is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the sciences. It fully indexes over 6,650 major journals across 150 scientific disciplines and includes all cited references captured from indexed articles.Some of the disciplines covered include:...
2024年12月16日,科睿唯安更新了Web of Science核心期刊目录,自2023年起科睿唯安(Clarivate)每个月定期对Web of science核心合集中SCIE、SSCI、AHCI和ESCI四个子库的期刊目录进行更新,更新内容大致包括新增、剔除和更名三种情况。 本次...
CABI databases JEP is indexed by CABI, which is one of the 9 databases in the "Web of Science&quo... 『急』recived 是什么意思?还有KJava QQ 1_6_1.jad是什么意思? Received 是已经接收的意思,kjavaQQ是一种JavaQQ软件,也就是一种手机QQ,jad是后缀,是Java软 猜你关注广告 1神座游戏官网 2...
Rotenone is one of the prominent insecticidal isoflavonoid compounds which can be isolated from the extract of Derris sp. plant. Despite being an effective compound in exterminating pests in a minute concentration, procuring a significant amount of rotenone in the extracts for commercialized biopesticide...