適用於 AWS 的前端 DX。 AWS Amplify 包含您建置 Web 和行動應用程式所需的一切。輕鬆入門,易於擴展。 開始使用 Amplify 試用實作教學 從想法到開發出應用程式,僅需數小時 部署伺服器端渲染的靜態前端應用程式,開發 UI,新增身分驗證和儲存等功能,連線至即時資料來源,並擴展到數百萬使用者。無需雲端專業知識。
Amplify does not seem to compress by default resulting in larger content delivery than necessary. I can't find any option in the app settings inside the Amplify dashboard nor a solution online. Is it possible to use compression (gzip or brotli) with AWS Amplify? compression web-hosting aws-...
“构建无服务器 Web 应用程序”课程模块 1 的标题是“通过持续部署实现静态 Web 主机”。您将配置 AWS Amplify,以通过内置的持续部署托管 Web 应用程序的静态资源。
Relevant portions of amplify_outputs.json (in the right place): "data": { "url": "https://<verified matching value>.appsync-api.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/graphql", "aws_region": "us-west-1", "api_key": "<verified matching value>", "default_authorization_type": "API...
The two main AWS Amplify tools are: AWS Amplify Studio: AWS Amplify Studio Extend AWS Amplify with a visual interface to accelerate the transition from design to feature-rich, full-stack solutions. AWS Amplify Hosting: AWS Amplify provides fast, safe, and dependable hosting for contemporary web ...
AWS Amplify Hosting is a fully managed hosting service for modern web apps on AWS. We use this board to communicate with our customers on which feature requests we are currently working on, and which ones we are discussing internally. Please feel free to open new Feature Requests on our ...
It guarantees quick, efficient, and secure creation, deployment, and hosting of mobile and web applications. In this regard, AWS Amplify is a full-stack and one of the preeminent products of this cloud platform. However, if you are unaware of this fantastic AWS service, simply read this guid...
[Bug] AWS Amplify环境下部署成功正常工作,但是缺乏"访问密码"选项,已经配置了环境变量“CODE/OPENAI_API_KEY“但是无法生效; 如何复现 相同的fork github项目,配置了环境变量“CODE/OPENAI_API_KEY“后在VERCEL部署成功已经有"访问密码"选项。相同的环境变量在AWS Amplify环境下部署成功正常工作,但是但是缺乏"访问密码...
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the foundations of the modern web. AWS hosting is the biggest player in the cloud hosting arena, with over 33 percent of the market. Its closest competitor is Google Cloud, which boasts a 21 percent market...
在Amplify 主控台中設定傳入 Webhook 以啟動建置,而無需將程式碼遞交至您的 Git 儲存庫。您可以使用 Webhook 搭配無周邊CMS工具 (例如 Contentful 或 Graph CMS),在內容變更時啟動建置,或使用 Zapier 等服務執行每日建置。 若要建立傳入 Webhook 登入AWS Management Console 並開啟Amplify 主控台。