要在Firebase托管的Web应用程序上使用Google登录永远不会被注销,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 首先,确保您已经在Firebase控制台中创建了一个项目,并启用了Google身份验证提供程序。 在您的Web应用程序中,使用Firebase JavaScript SDK初始化Firebase项目。确保您已经包含了必要的Firebase SDK文件。 ...
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {if(user) {//User is signed in.vardisplayName =user.displayName;varemail =user.email;varemailVerified =user.emailVerified;varphotoURL =user.photoURL;varisAnonymous =user.isAnonymous;varuid =user.uid;varproviderData =user.providerData; alert("L...
Google Firebase是一种云计算平台,提供了一系列工具和服务,用于开发和托管Web应用程序。其中之一是Firebase Authentication,它提供了一种简单且安全的方式来实现用户身份验证和授权。 Web应用程序登录页面是指用户在访问Web应用程序时需要进行身份验证的页面。用户可以通过输入用户名和密码等凭据来登录,并获得对应用程序的访...
Firebase Quickstarts for Javascript A collection of quickstart samples demonstrating the Firebase APIs using the Javascript SDK. For more information, seefirebase.google.com/docs/web/setup. Samples are organized into the following subdirectories and include README.md files with instructions for getting ...
Firebase Hosting: Scale your web apps effortlessly with Firebase. Firebase 托管:使用 Firebase 轻松扩展您的网络应用。 Vercel: Deploy websites and applications with automatic deployments. Vercel:使用自动部署部署网站和应用程序。 Cyclic.sh: Host your static sites with zero configuration. ...
Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols) androidioswebmaterialmaterial-designspritesicons UpdatedFeb 14, 2025 appwrite/appwrite Star47.5k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Build like a team of hundreds_ reactjavascriptandroidswiftdockeriosfirebasereact-nativewebserverlessbackendnextjsselfhostedself...
7. Use Firebase for apps with straightforward backend requirements Firebaseis Google's backend-as-a-service, and is the dominant entrant in this field at the moment. Firebase provides a suite of backend services, such as database-storage, user authentication, client-side SDKs, and in-depth an...
This study introduces a real-time database server called the Google Firebase API and it features through a web messaging app. A real-time database is the type of database that stores and fetches the data stored in it very quickly. But firebase's this feature is just tip of the iceberg,...
行動裝置上的 Teams 通知 由Android 和 Apple 行動裝置用來接收連入電話和其他 Teams 服務的 Teams 用戶端推播通知。 當這些埠遭到封鎖時,所有對行動裝置的推播通知都會失敗。 如需特定埠,請參閱 Google Firebase 檔中的 FCM 埠和防火牆 和如果您的 Apple 裝置未收到 Apple 推播通知。 僅限輸出...
'src/third_party/android_deps/cipd/libs/com_google_firebase_firebase_annotations': { 'packages': [ { 'package': 'chromium/third_party/android_deps/libs/com_google_firebase_firebase_annotations', 'version': 'version:2@16.0.0.cr1', }, ], 'condition': 'checkout_android and non...