要在Firebase托管的Web应用程序上使用Google登录永远不会被注销,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 首先,确保您已经在Firebase控制台中创建了一个项目,并启用了Google身份验证提供程序。 在您的Web应用程序中,使用Firebase JavaScript SDK初始化Firebase项目。确保您已经包含了必要的Firebase SDK文件。
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {if(user) {//User is signed in.vardisplayName =user.displayName;varemail =user.email;varemailVerified =user.emailVerified;varphotoURL =user.photoURL;varisAnonymous =user.isAnonymous;varuid =user.uid;varproviderData =user.providerData; alert("L...
If you are looking for a host website, you can try Firebase, heroku or AWS... Today, I tried to deploy a simple website to Firebase, it looks like prettry simple to do that. 1. Install: npm install -g firebase-tools 1. 2. Go to your project root folder: firebase init 1. 3....
最重要的是FireBasePerformanceMonitor,这是一种软件开发工具包,可以帮助开发人员收集应用程序性能数据,并在一个控制台中对其进行分析。性能监控之前是预览版,但从今天开始,它将推出测试版的web应用程序。 Web应用程序的性能监控相对容易启动和运行。开发人员将几行代码粘贴到他们的站点上,PerformanceMonitor将跟踪和可视化诸...
Firebase Hosting: Scale your web apps effortlessly with Firebase. Firebase 托管:使用 Firebase 轻松扩展您的网络应用。 Vercel: Deploy websites and applications with automatic deployments. Vercel:使用自动部署部署网站和应用程序。 Cyclic.sh: Host your static sites with zero configuration. ...
Hello, There is an issue that concerns me, which is that the Flutter web application does not work on most hosting platforms. Instead, it only displays a white page. An example of this is Firebase hosting, where the application screen re...
Firebase Quickstarts for Javascript A collection of quickstart samples demonstrating the Firebase APIs using the Javascript SDK. For more information, seefirebase.google.com/docs/web/setup. Samples are organized into the following subdirectories and include README.md files with instructions for getting ...
7. Use Firebase for apps with straightforward backend requirements Firebaseis Google's backend-as-a-service, and is the dominant entrant in this field at the moment. Firebase provides a suite of backend services, such as database-storage, user authentication, client-side SDKs, and in-depth an...
有关特定端口,请参阅Google Firebase 文档中的 FCM 端口和防火墙和如果 Apple 设备未收到 Apple 推送通知。仅限服务器的出站流量 管理Microsoft 365 终结点 监视Microsoft 365 连接性 客户端连接 内容分发网络 Azure IP 范围和服务标记 - 公有云 Azure IP 范围和服务标记 - 美国政府云 ...