docker run -itd --memory 1g --cpuset-cpus=0 --name dockerui --hostname dockerui -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock http://宿主机IP:9000 Shipyard Shipyard是在Docker Swarm实现对容器、镜像、docker集群、仓库、节点进行管理的web系统。
Docker Web GUI A web application that provides an alternative to the docker cli to interact with the docker engine. This project uses the Dockerode package to interact with the docker engine Supports some of the basic docker interactions like: Displaying all containers Inspecting a container Starting...
Without Docker Compose If you don't have a docker compose, then you can use the following commands: To build the image: docker build . -t docker-web-gui To run the image: docker run -p 3230:3230 -v /usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/local/bin/docker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/...
下面是 Dockerfile /etc/nginx/nginx.conf 构建镜像 docker build -t webvirtmgr-static:4.8.9-nginx-1.26.0 . 启动镜像 docker run -d --rm \ -p 80:80 \ --memory 200m \ --name webvirtmgr-static \ ...
要在Docker容器中运行GUI应用程序,需要在Docker容器中安装并配置X11服务器,并将容器与主机的X11套接字共享。以下是在Docker容器中运行GUI应用程序的一般步骤: 在Dockerfile中安装必要的GUI应用程序和X11服务器: FROMubuntu:latest RUN apt-getupdate&&apt-getinstall-y \ ...
Docker Compose 我们还可以使用Docker Compose: version: "3.9" services: web-hacking-toolkit: image: signedsecurity/web-hacking-toolkit container_name: web-hacking-toolkit hostname: web-hacking-toolkit stdin_open: true shm_size: 2gb ports: - "22:22" # exposed for GUI support sing SSH with X11...
在Docker中运行孔,孔不在web浏览器中显示GUI 在Docker中运行孔不会在web浏览器中显示GUI。这是因为Docker是一种轻量级的虚拟化技术,它可以将应用程序和其依赖项打包成一个容器,并在任何环境中以相同的方式运行。然而,Docker容器默认不支持图形用户界面(GUI)的显示。
- "22:22" # exposed for GUI support sing SSH with X11 forwarding volumes: - ./data:/root/data restart: unless-stopped 构建并运行容器: docker-compose up 绑定Shell: docker-compose exec web-hacking-toolkit /bin/bash 源码构建Web-Hacking-ToolKit ...
Docker Engine: An open source containerization technology for building and containerizing applications. Docker Desktop: Includes the Docker Engine and other open source components; proprietary components; and features such as an intuitive GUI, synchronized file shares, access to cloud resources, debugging...