A web filter for Chrome, designed for your online wellbeing. Block websites and protect yourself from inappropriate content on your Android mobile device. App removal protectionis available for Samsung devices via the Galaxy Store version. For all other Android devices, tap on the pink badge and...
(options, javac_cmd, java_files, classpath), File "../../build/android/gyp/javac.py", line 350, in _OnStaleMd5 stderr_filter=ProcessJavacOutput) File "/data/chromium/chromium_v74.0.3729.183/src/build/android/gyp/util/build_utils.py", line 227, in CheckOutput raise CalledProcess...
Filament is a real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS, and WebGL2 - google/filament
一、起源与实现 说起Flutter 的起源就很有意思,大家都知道早期 Flutter 最先支持的平台是Android和iOS,至今最核心的维护平台依然是 Android 和 iOS ,「但是事实上 Flutter 其实起源于前端团队」。 ❝Flutter 来源于前端 Chrome 团队,起初 Flutter 的创始人和整个团队几乎都是来自 Web,在 Flutter 负责人 Eric 的...
.filter((i) => !exclude.includes(i)) .concat(include); 1. 2. 3. 4. 增加chainWebpack 配置(这在上一个文章中,有较为详细的说明)。 把满足我们定义的第三方依赖,打包到 micro 文件中,剩余的 打包到 vendors 中。 cacheGroups: { micro: { ...
简介:【Android App】给App集成WebRTC实现视频发送和接受实战(附源码和演示 超详细) 需要源码请点赞关注收藏后评论区留言私信~~~ 一、引入WebRTC开源库 WebRTC开源库的集成步骤如下: (1)给App模块的build.gradle添加WebRTC的依赖库配置; (2)App得申请录音和相机权限,还得申请互联网权限; ...
Filter VersionNameCond DeviceChipCond LanguageCond CountryCond DateTimeCond UserRatioCond SystemVersionCond SysversionCond BrowsersVersionCond BrowsersCond 错误码 App Linking Android com.huawei.agconnect.applinking Overview AppLinking AppLinking.AndroidLinkInfo App...
Code Issues Pull requests Tab component for Electron electron typescript webview tabs tab webcomponent Updated Jan 8, 2024 TypeScript altcha-org / altcha Star 695 Code Issues Pull requests GDPR compliant, self-hosted CAPTCHA alternative with PoW mechanism and advanced anti-spam filter. rec...
Urouteused ClearURLs to filter/clean URL before launching browser Scrubused ClearURLs to filter/clean URLs as cog for the Red Discord bot Unalixsmall, dependency-free, fast Python package for removing tracking fields from URLs Unalix-nimsmall, dependency-free, fast Nim package and CLI tool for...
Simply and easily find what you're looking for by utilizing Worldscope's map search engine. Alternatively, use keywords or the lists feature which lets you filter latest, random, recently viewed and most popular webcams. Quick favorites