2.报错:TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not WebElement web自动化之selenium的特殊用法(一) 1、get_attribute() 官方文档释义 selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement — Selenium 4.1.0 documentation get_attribute(name) → str[source] Gets the given attribute or property of the element....
void click():Performs a click on an element. It can only be used on visible elements with a width and height bigger than zero (0). If by clicking an element a new page is loaded, all previous references to the element will be invalid. Interacting with Radio Buttons and Radio Buttons G...
In Selenium WebDriver, we have two primary methods to locate elements on a web page: find_element find_elements Both methods are crucial, but they serve slightly different purposes. The find_element method is used to find the first element that matches a specified selector and returns it. On...
简介:文章目录web自动化之selenium的特殊用法(一)1、get_attribute()2、js滚动页面3、Tab键点击页面未展示元素4、通过空格键执行页面滚动操作1.摁空格键2.报错:TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not WebElement———版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「梦无矶」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,...
selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement — Selenium 4.1.0 documentation get_attribute(name) → str[source] Gets the given attribute or property of the element. 获取元素的给定属性或属性。 This method will first try to return the value of a property with the given name. If a property with that na...
{ WebElement element = this.waitPageRefresh(driver, by, outTime); flag=null!=element; } } catch (WebDriverException e) { flag = false; (未检查到元素: + e); return flag; } return flag; } 在本系统中,这一模块主要是将selenium Webdriver底层的方法进行再次封装,已达到本系统所需要的方式去...
(2)再写入is_element_present函数,最后调用即可 2.关于网页上弹窗(alert)的处理 参考了博客文章:https://www.cnblogs.com/101718qiong/p/8027944.html 简言之: (1)先导入弹窗处理模块from selenium.webdriver.supportimport expected_conditionsas EC (2)再写函数代码如下,来使用 ...
💡 SeleniumBase methods often perform multiple actions in a single method call. For example, self.type(selector, text) does the following:1. Waits for the element to be visible.2. Waits for the element to be interactive.3. Clears the text field.4. Types in the new text.5. Presses ...
基于Selenium的Web自动化测试 框架研究与实现 论文作者:**宇 学位类别:工程硕士 领域名称:电子与通信工程 校内指导教师:..
Selenium by default provides a method to record screenshots via the save_screenshot() method. Advanced Headless Chrome Techniques For developers, testers, and QAs, advanced techniques in Headless Chrome open up a world of customization possibilities. We’ll look at some of the methods in this ...