Web Development with Django Cookbook(Second Edition)是Aidas Bendoraitis创作的计算机网络类小说,QQ阅读提供Web Development with Django Cookbook(Second Edition)部分章节免费在线阅读,此外还提供Web Development with Django Cookbook(Second Edition)全本在线
Django is easy to learn and solves all types of web development problems and questions, providing Python developers an easy solution to web-application development. With a wealth of third-party modules available, you'll be able to create a highly customizable web application with this powerful...
Django 2 Web Development Cookbook是Jake Kronika Aidas Bendoraitis创作的计算机网络类小说,QQ阅读提供Django 2 Web Development Cookbook部分章节免费在线阅读,此外还提供Django 2 Web Development Cookbook全本在线阅读。
If you have created websites with Django, but you want to sharpen your knowledge and learn some good approaches for how to treat different aspects of web development, you should definitely read this book. It is intended for intermediate and professional Django users who need to build projects ...
Jake Kronika Aidas Bendoraitis创作的计算机网络小说《Django 2 Web Development Cookbook》,已更新章,最新章节:undefined。Djangoisaframeworkdesignedtobalancerapidwebdevelopmentwithhighperformance.Ithandleshighlevelsofusertrafficandinteraction…
Web Development with Django Cookbook - Second Edition 售价:¥90.46 7人正在读 |0人评论 9.8 作者:Aidas Bendoraitis 出 版 社:Packt Publishing 出版时间:2016-01-28 字数:219.4万 所属分类:进口书>外文原版书>电脑/网络 温馨提示:数字商品不支持退换货,不提供源文件,不支持导出打印...
该书的代码包也托管在 GitHub 上,网址为 github.com/PacktPublishing/Django-3-Web-Development-Cookbook-Fourth-Edition。如果代码有更新,将在现有的 GitHub 存储库上进行更新。 我们还有其他代码包来自我们丰富的图书和视频目录,可在 github.com/PacktPublishing/ 上找到。请查看! 使用的约定 本书中使用了许多文本约...
注册Packt 出版社的账户之后就可以找到该书的源码下载。Packt 这个出版社很好的说,只要注册之后就能下源码。不像Oreilly搞个书籍对应的源码还要好多前提条件。不过不要和那一本很老旧11年翻译完成的开源版本Django book 2.0搞混了。希望以后作者可以修订让它和Python CookBook一样经典实用。
最新更新 :ThisbookisforGodevelopersinterestedinlearninghowtouseGotobuildpowerfulwebapplications.Abackgroundinwebdevelopmentisexpec
Django 3网页开发指南 - 第4版(Django 3 Web Development Cookbook - Fourth Edition) - alanhou/django3-cookbook