What it’s about:Just because a portfolio site needs to be well designed doesn’t mean it needs to be extravagant. In fact, many effective portfolio sites take more of a minimalist approach to the design of the site itself. Werkstatt Wundersite is a great example of this. The site is c...
Find portfolio website examples to get inspiration for design, director, illustration, photography, architecture, developer, engineer and marketing.
Heritage Gates www.heritagegates.co.nz Helicopter Me www.helicopterme.co.nz Swiftpoint www.asiapacific.futuremouse.com Adventure Trekking www.adventuretrekking.co.nz Ketz-ke www.ketz-ke.com Elevate Your Online Presence with Zeald, YourPremierGoogle Partner ...
And that could mean any number of things: a slick, original animated interaction that intuitively draws the user’s attention to a certain element, or an uncluttered, clean design and clever use of white space that imbues the user with a sense of calm, for example. In this article, I’l...
Gallery design:Her “My Black Self” gallery folllows a simple grid format on the left with the larger view on the right—an easy and intuitive way to browse her work. Web developer portfolio website example: Brittany Chiang This is a resume-style portfolio website example by a web develop...
only. To clearly identify these examples you will notice a ribbon surrounding each example. These ribbons allow us to be clear in defining what we find inspirational and what work we have individually completed. Remember; DreamCo Design can design just about anything. Can't find something you ...
its products uniquely and creatively as the user hovers on those product collections, the hero image changes that make the design exceptional. In addition, it integrates the GSAP, so a smooth and intuitive animation is apparent. This is an excellent example ofa Bootstrap-based portfolio website....
But Matthew is not all talk. His lightweight website and portfolio example actually showcases several SEO blogs and case studies. Visitors can see his speaking schedules and topics at a glance. This is a great way to get traffic to your webinars and live events. ...
This is a UX design portfolio example that feels casual and very meaningful.Pratibha Joshi, currently a designer at Google, created a website that feels like a conversation with the designer herself. It enjoys the classic pages including an About page, Contact page and a home where the portfol...
The striking portfolio websites in this selection demonstrate a unique approach to web design and plenty of personality. Check them out for inspiration.