Filter webkit If you choose to filter webkit, you can manage the browser traffic. Vendor configuration There might be certain additional functions offered by the vendors to manage the web content. Contact the web content filter vendor to know what functions can be performed.Note...
will help its users to filter out the website that they don't want to access. The app once executed will ask users to accept if they want to enable the filtering mode and on accepting the prompt(Y/y or N/n), default content filtering will be enabled till the user wants to disable ...
{ "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.iosWebContentFilterSpecificWebsitesAccess", "specificWebsitesOnly": [ { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.iosBookmark", "url": "String", "bookmarkFolder": "String", "displayName": "String" } ], "websiteList": [ { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph...
表示iOS Web 内容筛选器设置类型,该设置类型启用 iOS 自动筛选功能,并允许进行其他 URL 访问控制。 如果构造时没有属性值,iOS 设备将启用自动筛选器。 继承自 iosWebContentFilterBase 属性 展开表 属性类型说明 allowedUrls 字符串集合 允许访问的其他 URL blockedUrls 字符串集合 阻止访问的其他 URL 关系 无 JS...
EasyFilter is a Jave Web content filtering request replacement component, the user can request the following information to filter replacement: Replace special characters (eg:& lt;,& gt;special mark, scripts, etc.) Illegal keyword substitution (eg: network system does not allow the special keyword...
CoreWebView2Frame 类: CoreWebView2Frame.ContentLoading 事件 CoreWebView2Frame.DOMContentLoaded 事件 CoreWebView2Frame.NavigationCompleted 事件 CoreWebView2NavigationCompletedEventArgs 类在WebView2 中管理网络请求事件WebResourceRequested 允许应用截获并覆盖 WebView2 中的所有网络请求。 事件 WebResourceRespo...
Since iOS 16 it is possible to use content filter on managed apps instead of supervised devices using the new ContentFilterUUID attribute. I built a simple test project for this and found that even when targeting browser apps, no flow in the data filter is NEFilterBrowserFlow and thus can ...
A filter used to filter adult content. Off: Return webpages with adult text, images, or videos. Moderate: Return webpages with adult text, but not adult images or videos. Strict: Do not return webpages with adult text, images, or videos....
[System.ComponentModel.Bindable(false)] [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Panel Content { get; } 屬性值 Panel 包含裝置特定面板內容的面板。 屬性 BindableAttribute BrowsableAttribute 範例 下列程式代碼範例示範如何使用 Content 屬性在頁面...
The web filtering capabilities of WebFrame Pro Kiosk are now available as a standalone content blocker for Safari. Selectively enable or disable blocking of: • Analytics, Advertising, and Social Tracking Cookies • Analytics, Advertising, and Social Tracking Content/Scripts • Cryptomining Script...