可以通过 Web 浏览器免费玩 Fortnite,而无需 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 订阅。 玩游戏只需 Microsoft 帐户和 Xbox 档案以及免费且受支持的带蓝牙功能的控制器(如果需要)。 没有受支持的控制器的玩家也可使用触摸控件。 准备就绪后,可随时在 Web 浏览器访问 Xbox.com/Play 找到可玩的 Fortnite: Xbox.com/Play...
All you need to play is a Microsoft account with an Xbox profile, which is free, and a supported, Bluetooth-enabled controller if desired. Touch controls are also supported for players who don't have a supported controller. When you're ready to go, you can always find Fortnite ready to...
All you need to play is a Microsoft account with an Xbox profile, which is free, and a supported, Bluetooth-enabled controller if desired. Touch controls are also supported for players who don't have a supported controller. When you're ready to go, you can always find Fortnite ready to...
Dedicated gaming servers for lag-free, high-performance online gaming experiences across global gaming hubs. Find out more Maximise Network Performance Test drive our network’s speed, power and redundancy with full IPMI access – no commitment required!
All you need to play is a Microsoft account with an Xbox profile, which is free, and a supported, Bluetooth-enabled controller if desired. Touch controls are also supported for players who don't have a supported controller. When you're ready to go, you can always find Fortnite ready to...
All you need to play is a Microsoft account with an Xbox profile, which is free, and a supported, Bluetooth-enabled controller if desired. Touch controls are also supported for players who don't have a supported controller. When you're ready to go, you can always find Fortnite ready to...
Dedicated gaming servers for lag-free, high-performance online gaming experiences across global gaming hubs. Find out more Maximise Network Performance Test drive our network’s speed, power and redundancy with full IPMI access – no commitment required!
Dedicated gaming servers for lag-free, high-performance online gaming experiences across global gaming hubs. Find out more Maximise Network Performance Test drive our network’s speed, power and redundancy with full IPMI access – no commitment required!
Dedicated gaming servers for lag-free, high-performance online gaming experiences across global gaming hubs. Find out more Maximise Network Performance Test drive our network’s speed, power and redundancy with full IPMI access – no commitment required!
All you need to play is a Microsoft account with an Xbox profile, which is free, and a supported, Bluetooth-enabled controller if desired. Touch controls are also supported for players who don't have a supported controller. When you're ready to go, you can always find Fortnite ready to...