but it doesn't change the way that IE reports its version. If you access pages that do IE version checking you'll find that it still points at IE 7 (or sometime some custom browser version) that doesn't reflect the current rendering mode. If you're running script code ...
WebBrowser 构造函数 属性 AllowNavigation AllowWebBrowserDrop CanGoBack CanGoForward DefaultSize 文档 DocumentStream DocumentText DocumentTitle DocumentType EncryptionLevel 已设定焦点 IsBusy IsOffline IsWebBrowserContextMenuEnabled ObjectForScripting 填充
[System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)]publicVersion Version {get; } 屬性值 Version 已安裝 Internet Explorer 的版本。 屬性 BrowsableAttribute 備註 控制項WebBrowser是與 Internet Explorer 一起安裝之元件的 Managed 包裝函式。 使用這個屬性來判斷已安裝的 Internet Explorer 版本。 當您的應用程式使用只存在於...
This Web browser does not support the generation of certificate requests Cause The Browser Version check incorrectly identifies the Internet Explorer version as "IE 1." Workaround Supported workarounds for this issue are as follows: Configure comp...
}//////获取浏览器的版本//////<returns></returns>publicstaticintGetBrowserVersion() {intbrowserVersion =0;using(varieKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree, System.Security.Access...
When is it suitable to use theweb application version real-time detection? -The scene: This kind of situation often happens. When the user opens a web application in the browser for a long time and has not refresh the page. When the application has a new version update or the problem re...
$ua->browser_string . "\n" if $ua->browser_string; print 'Version: ' . $ua->browser_version . $ua->browser_beta . "\n" if $ua->browser_version; print 'OS: ' . $ua->os_string . "\n" if $ua->os_string; # Detect operating system if ( $ua->windows ) { if ( $ua-...
Check out the world's first gaming browser, Opera GX, plus see how easy Opera is making it to create and develop your own games. Visit Opera gaming Who we are About Opera Who we are Who we are Opera is its people. International teams of developers, designers, researchers, marke...
加入你想让WebBrowser控件的渲染模式编程IE8的标准模式, 你可以通过设置注册表FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION 来实现。 示例: 注册表中注明当前本机装的IE版本 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer 下面有名称为Version的项,其值为IE的版本. ...
HttpBrowserCapabilities.ClrVersion 屬性參考 意見反應 定義命名空間: System.Web 組件: System.Web.dll 取得安裝在用戶端上的 .NET 通用語言執行平台版本號碼。 C# 複製 public Version ClrVersion { get; } 屬性值 Version Common Language Runtime 版本。 適用於 產品版本 .NET Framework 1.1 ...