With the public release of macOS High Sierra, Apple introduced some additional features to its native Safari web browser. Here we'll cover just what they are and how you can customize them to make your web browsing experience a more enjoyable one. Individual Website Settings One of the most ...
Safari is the default web browser app on all Apple devices. When you select links in other apps and open them in Safari, new tabs will open. After a while, it can become difficult to navigate and manage your tabs. Learn to close all safari tabs, bookmark tabs, open incognito tabs, an...
secure, and full-featured. But, like any modern web browser, Safari can be confusing; there are lots of settings and options. In this article, I want to show you some of the most useful ways you can customize Safari, and how you can ensure that your security and privacy ...
Web(Cache)Browser 破解版还允许从 Safari 的缓存中单独删除某些元素以节省磁盘空间。在这种情况下,使用按大小排序功能在列表顶部显示最大的资源将是有效的。
在运行 iPadOS 13 操作系统的 Apple iPad 上,Safari Web 浏览器的报告功能存在一些限制。 可能会发生以下问题: 以PDF 格式运行生成 HTML 输出 应该显示为 PDF 格式的报表显示为 HTML 格式。 要解决此问题,请参阅下文。 单击打开菜单图标 ,然后单击
可用APIs 对象有;activeTab,alarms,background,bookmarks,browserSettings,browsingData,captivePortal,clipboardRead,clipboardWrite,contentSettings,contextMenus,contextualIdentities,cookies,debugger,dns,downloads,downloads.open,find,geolocation,history,identity,idle,management,menus,menus.overrideContext,nativeMessaging,noti...
With the release of iOS 13, Apple introduces some additional features to its native Safari mobile web browser. One of the most welcome new changes in Safari is the ability to customize a range of settings for individual websites. Like Safari on Mac, the Website Settings section allows you ...
iOS Safari import time from appium import webdriverclassTestDemo:defsetup(self):desired_caps={}desired_caps['platformName']='iOS'desired_caps['platformVersion']='11.2'desired_caps['automationName']="xcuitest"desired_caps['deviceName']='wj'desired_caps["browserName"]="Safari"desired_caps['udid...
Web(Cache)Browser for Mac是一款很有用的Safari缓存文件浏览器,Web(Cache)Browser mac破解版可以帮助用户查看 Safari 浏览器保存下载的缓存文件,你可以找到之前页面上看过的元素,以及在离线时也能找到需要的文件,功能挺实用的,对这款Web(Cache)Browser mac版感兴趣的朋友可以来试试哦! 点击获取:Web(Cache)Browser...
Related:How to open Safari links in Chrome on iPhone and iPad Go back to using Safari as the default web browser Method 1:Follow the above steps and choose Safari in step 4. Method 2:Delete the app, which is your current web browser, and iOS will immediately revert back to using Safari...