Sample extension based on React A sample React component was used to build a svgedit extension. To activate: "npm run build" from the extension folder "src/editor/react-extensions/react-test" in order to create the bundle for the extension. modify "index.html" to activate the extension as...
当前为了演示可动态添加组件,注册组件写在了通用组件的created生命周期,获取组件定义json的时候写在了Edit和Preview页面,此写法有一个弊端就是每次拖拽组件都会访问SvgComponents.vue的created生命周期进行组件注册,此步可以移到main.js里面使用app.component()进行组件全局注册,传递组件是通过is控制显示组件,提升运行效率 to...
目前使用方式是用vue-webtopo-svgeditor2.1绘制好,自己手工再编几个组件,然后在自己改造后的vue2.0里面展示。 最后提一句,增加 vue.component 后编译出错,在vue.config.js 增加了runtimeCompiler: true, 就好了,这个仅供参考
It’s really hard to Create an SVG image just using code. We have to use professional tools like Adobe illustrator or Sketch etc… In order to create a usable SVG Element. We have found some simple but effectiveSVG Editor tools online. You can find the list below, Most of theseSVG Edit...
import {SvgEditor,SvgPrview} from 'vue-webtopo-svgeditor'; import 'vue-webtopo-svgeditor/dist/style.css' # 修改vite.config.ts使之可以进行运行时创建组件 alias: { 'vue': 'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler.js' // 定义vue的别名,如果使用其他的插件,可能会用到别名 ...
一款简单的 Web 端 SVG 编辑器(半成品)。 使用React + TypeScript。 DEMO: view English Doc 运行项目 yarn yarn dev 编辑器系列文章 构建Electron 应用(不完善) package.json 中没有 el...
1. 首先,从您的设备访问 2.然后打开文件或者新建一个项目 3. 开始编辑您的照片 4. 现在您可以保存为 PSD 文件或以 PNG、JPG、 SVG、PDF 格式 所以,我想您对在线照片编辑器有了清晰的了解。它现在非常流行,是照片编辑的绝佳备份。如果您正在寻找在线照片编辑器用户友好的照片编辑器,...
Draw SVG Draw SVG is another web-based SVG editor with all of the features you should ever need. It’s strongest point seems to be the sheer speed with which it loads and draws things. Sadly, however, the user interface is seriously flawed. Still, it’s there and it works, should you...
I have been looking around for an open-source web-based SVG editor. After some looking around, I came uponSVG-Edit. You can include it in your own web pages, perhaps if you are making an SVG based blog or something. An electric diagram is pretty detailed, but we can obtain it easily...
修改vite.config.ts使之可以进行运行时创建组件 alias: { 'vue': 'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler.js' // 定义vue的别名,如果使用其他的插件,可能会用到别名 }, # 如果需要使用图表 修改main.ts 全局注册一下图表组件 import { VChart} from 'vue-webtopo-svgeditor'; const app=createApp(App) app....