The rise of web3 as a promising stage in the evolution of the Internet has incited the demand for learning about web3. You can use internet and web technology MCQ alongside questions on the impact ofblockchain in web3. However, it is important to complement your web3 expertise with detail...
JavaScript MCQ (Mulitple Choice Questions and Answers) - [ JavaScript ] JavaScript Quiz - [ Quiz ] HTML MCQ (Mulitple Choice Questions and Answers) - [ HTML ] HTML Quiz - [ Quiz ] How to Darken an Image using CSS - [ CSS ] How to Center Align an Image(Element) Vertically and Horizo...
Student User View Tests Details Register for test Give Test Check Result and correct answer and explanation for questions Teacher User Create, Update Questions and Question Banks Create, View Test Admin User Create and Manage Teacher users Create and Manage subjects...
question papers. get an idea about web technology mcqs by solving the ones compiled below for your practice. multiple-choice questions on web technology which one of the following is an example of an ‘internet search engine? linux google ms word windows answer (b) at which port number, ...
Volume Gateways present your on-premise application with the iSCSI block storage instead.Discuss this Question 41. How many types of volume gateways are there?4 3 2 1Answer: C) 2Explanation:Volume gateway is further divided into two types which are – Stored volumes and cached gateway....
modern web application promptly, Django can be preferred whereas if there is a need to customize the development environment to form a distinctive JavaScript-based application, Node.js can be preferred. Hence, we hope that we were able to answer our reader’s question “Node.js vs Django, Whi...
# IIS Application pool AppPoolNameForWebsite: DefaultAppPool # IIS Bindings # See AddBinding: true Bindings: | { bindings: [ { "protocol": "http", "ipAddress": "*", "port": "5555", "sslThumbprint": "", "sniFlag": false }, { "protoco...
- The questions should be purely theoretical, numerical probl...are needed at this time. - Questions must be of intermediate to difficulty level. - Format: Document in Word Ideal candidates should possess high-level Civil Engineering knowledge, coupled with GATE exam familiarity and MCQ writing ex...
The technical difference and the skill involved is almost imperceptible from developing online MCQ assessments. If an instructor can use an authoring tool and devise multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks and so forth, then they will be able to do the things needed for a ShortSim. ...
Solve problems for graphs application, math multi-step inequalities jokes, saxon math homework. Dividing square roots with variables, download 6th grade math worksheets, math trivia for elementary, rational expressions free calculator, java apti questions n answers. ...