Microsoft Build 2024 年 5 月 21-23 日 立即報名 Learn 發現卡 產品文件 開發語言 主題 登入 Azure 產品 架構 開發 學習Azure 疑難排解 資源 入口網站 免費帳戶 本主題有部分內容為機器翻譯。版本 2024-02-01 搜尋 Web 應用程式防火牆...
Introduction to Azure Web Application Firewall Deploy Secure your web application with Azure Web Application Firewall Get started Tutorial Web Application Firewall on Application Gateway Web Application Firewall on Front Door Manage WAF rules on Application Gateway ...
applicationGateways?: ApplicationGateway[] 属性值 ApplicationGateway[] customRules 策略中的自定义规则。 TypeScript 复制 customRules?: WebApplicationFirewallCustomRule[] 属性值 WebApplicationFirewallCustomRule[] etag 一个唯一的只读字符串,每当资源更新时都会更改。注意:此属性不会序列化。 它只能由服...
public WebApplicationFirewallCustomRule withName(String name) Set the name of the resource that is unique within a policy. This name can be used to access the resource. Parameters: name - the name value to set Returns: the WebApplicationFirewallCustomRule object itse...
André Beerendonk, informatikai üzemeltetési csapatvezető, VECOZO A sikertörténet elolvasása Vissza a lapokra Az Azure Web Application Firewall forrásai és dokumentációja Első lépések A Web Application Firewall konfigurálása az Azure Portalon ...
Azure Web Application Firewall je služba nativní pro cloud, která chrání webové aplikace před běžnými technikami webového hackingu, jako je injektáž SQL, a ohroženími zabezpečení, jako je skriptování mezi weby. Po nasazení této služby během několika minut zí...
a multilayer firewall and a high-performance Web cache server. The firewall provides filtering at the packet, circuit, and application layers; stateful inspection to examine data crossing the firewall; control of access policy; and routing of traffic. The cache improves network performance and the...
a multilayer firewall and a high-performance Web cache server. The firewall provides filtering at the packet, circuit, and application layers; stateful inspection to examine data crossing the firewall; control of access policy; and routing of traffic. The cache improves network performance and the...
For more information on using SSL with SQL Server, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 276553, "How To: Enable SSL Encryption for SQL Server 2000 with Certificate Server."Firewall ConsiderationsYour security infrastructure can include internal firewalls on either side of the application server. This...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Web Application Firewall (WAF) 是一项基于云技术、符合 PCI 标准的全球安全服务,旨在保护应用免受恶意和非授权互联网流量攻击。Oracle Cloud Infrastructure WAF 可以为任何面向互联网的端点提供保护,从而对客户的各种应用实施一致的规则。 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure WAF 让客户能够通过创建...