These three technologies all use Java, so that a student with a background in programming will be able to master them with ease, with the end result of being able to create web applications that use MVC, validate user input and save data to a database. Features: presents the many topics...
Model-driven development proposals, on the other hand, are difficult to adopt. This paper discusses a successful intermediate approach that allows the designer to work with abstract artifacts that can be readily mapped into any MVC-based (application) framework, independently of which software ...
The Full Potential of Your Java App! Empower your web development application with our expertise. Reach us Best Practices For Java Web Application Development Building a web application with Java can be a rewarding journey, but it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure your project’...
Java EE 5 Development using GlassFish Application Server: The complete guide to installing and configuring the GlassFish Application Server and developing ... applications that interact with a relational database system through the Java Persistence API (JPA) and through the Java Database Connectivity ...
A web application is an application written for the Internet, including those built with Java technologies such as JavaServer Pages and servlets, as well as those built with non-Java technologies such as CGI and Perl. Web Applications often include frameworks such as JavaServer Faces, Spring, Hi...
Most security books on Java focus on cryptography and access control, but exclude key aspects such as coding practices, logging, and web application risk assessment. Encapsulating security requirements for web development with the Java programming platform, Secure Java: For Web Application Development co...
Following certain steps correctly leads to web application development success. Assessing scope and requirements.This step entails defining what end users will do with the finished app and which features and functionalities are needed for the app to achieve its intended purposes. ...
Acontext rootidentifies a web application in a Java EE server. You specify the context root when you deploy a web module. A context root must start with a forward slash (/) and end with a string. In a packaged web module for deployment on the Enterprise Server, the context root is sto...
Oracle ADF Enterprise Application Development:Made Simple(Second Edition) Thisbookiswritteninaneasytounderstandstyle,followinganenterprisedevelopmentprocessthroughallthephasesofdevelopmentanddeployment.Conceptsareillustratedwithrealworldexamplesandthemethodsusedareexplainedstepbystep.ThisbookisforOracledeveloperslookingtosta...
Enterprise Web Development with Java Because of its rich features and capabilities, Java has become a popular choice for developing enterprise web applications: Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) This Java edition is specifically designed for large-scale applications and includes a variet...