WAAP is an acronym for web application and API protection, a security technology designed to protect web applications and APIs from cyberattacks.
Discover Black Duck® Seeker®: IAST software for web app security. Our tools provide active verification, sensitive-data tracking, and seamless DevOps integration.
* 该配置文件相当于applicationContext.xml文件 */@Configuration@EnableWebMvc@ComponentScan(basePackages = "cn.codewei",excludeFilters = {@ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ANNOTATION,value = Controller.class)})publicclassApplicationConfig{// 在此配置除了Controller的其他bean,比如数据库连接池,事务管理...
5. 错误的安全配置(Security Misconfiguration)安全配置可能在各个级别(platform/web server/application server/database/framework/custom code)出错,开发人员需要同系统管理合作来确保合理配置。示例配置问题的范例比较多样,常见的几种如下,服务器使用过期或存在安全漏洞的软件 安装了没有必要的功能 系统默认帐户没有禁用...
Rackspace offers Akamai’s App & API Protector to protect entire web and API estates with a holistic set of technologies for web application firewall, bot mitigation, API security, and DDoS protection under a single solution that is actually easy to use. ...
向客户端分配一个一个密钥——即只有它们和 API 服务知道的一个唯一字符串。密钥附加到每个 API 请求。API 服务器在收到 API 请求时会检查密钥,以确保它来自经过身份验证的客户端。 这种身份验证方法的缺点是,如果密钥被盗,攻击者可以使用它来冒充合法客户端,然后可以进行各种攻击。使用Transport Layer Security (TL...
Integrate API Platform inany existing Symfony, React, or Vue application. Reuseall your Symfony and JavaScript skills, and benefit from the incredible amount of documentation available. Enjoy the popularDoctrine ORM(used by default, but fully optional: you can use the data provider you want, inclu...
API security is a core component ofweb application security. Most modern web applications rely on APIs to function, and APIs introduce additional risk to an application by allowing outside parties to access it. One comparison is a business that opens its office to the public: having more people...
组装期间,组装者将创建 role-link 子元素,以将角色名链接到实际的角色。 如果使用组装工具 (例如 Rational® Application Developer) ,那么可以创建 security-role-ref 元素。 您也可以在组装阶段使用组装工具创建 security-role-ref 元素。 过程 在Servlet 代码中添加必需的安全性方法。
Web application security is important to any business. Learn about common web application vulnerabilities and how they can be mitigated. Learning Center Web application security API security Common threats More attacks Ransomware Glossary theNET