点击secure page,页面跳转到中国的Azure AD做身份鉴权, 输入用户名和密码后登陆Web应用的主页如下。 配置MFA 接下来我们要做的事情是在Azure AD里添加web应用的用户,assign用户到web应用并且开启MFA 在注册了Web应用的AAD 目录里添加用户MFAuser 选择“Enable Multi-Factor Authentication" 选项,这里我们还会收到一个临...
I get a 500 error message after deploying my web application to azure. This is an application recently where I applied some software nuget packages updates. However, the error is very specific, it returns an error onhttps://mywebsite.azureservices.net/.auth/login/aad/callback. In ...
In this blog, I will walk through the steps of installing iTop in an Azure Web App and configure Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication. As an extra twist, I will deploy iTop in Azure Government, but use an AAD tenant in Azure Commercial; this is a scenario I have discussed previous...
这个库用来实现发送SignIn/SignOut的request,管理用户 session,获取用户信息,源代码可以https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-java获取。
In the app's registration screen, selectAuthenticationin the menu. In theRedirect URIssection, update the reply URLs to match the site URL of your Azure deployment. For example: https://ciam-aspnet-webapp.azurewebsites.net/ https://ciam-aspnet-webapp.azurewebs...
.AddAzureADBearer(options=> Configuration.Bind("AzureAd", options)); 开启Authentication中间件 //open authentication middlewareapp.UseAuthentication(); 4,在Azure Portal 上添加一个租户 4.1 在Azure Portal 上选择 菜单 “Azure Active Directory”
When we launch the app from Visual Studio again, we get to experience the new login capabilities available in v2 such as passwordless and multi-factor authentication. What’s great is that these features are designed to work without any code changes; as long as an...
AZURE_CLIENT_ID Microsoft Entra 应用注册的应用程序(客户端)ID。 `AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET_APP_SETTING_NAME 包含Microsoft Entra 应用注册的客户端密码的应用程序设置的名称。 接下来,使用以下示例在配置文件中配置提供程序。 Microsoft Entra 提供程序有两个不同的版本。 版本 1 显式定义了 userDetailsClaim,它允许有...
一,引言 上一节讲到如何在我们的项目中集成Azure AD 保护我们的API资源,以及在项目中集成Swagger,...
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect; using Microsoft.Identity.Web; using Microsoft.Identity.Web.UI; 由于Microsoft 标识 Web 使用基于 Cookie 的身份验证来保护 Web 应用,因此以下代码将设置 SameSite Cookie 设置。 然后,它读取 AzureADB2C 应用程序设置,并...