with an intricate and immersive animation style that is balanced out through humour, innocence, and a simple but powerful soundtrack. I wanted to put together a medley to try and reflect the purity and beautiful simplicity of these songs, so I immediately knew I wanted Sam (@Smyang Piano) ...
RADWIMPS will be releasing aWeathering With Yousoundtrack EP on Nov. 27 that features five songs from the movie in its entirely (complete version), which had only been available in their movie-edit versions so far. Trending on Billboard...
Jared discovered anime in the early 1990s through stacks of third-hand fandubs and Streamline Pictures tapes. By the tender age of 16, he was humming Macross 7 songs in art class, dreaming of Asuka Langley and hanging Rurouni Kenshin posters on his wall. A few years later he moved to Jap...
stealing their spotlight in the vocals department is singer Toko Miura, who appears in the songs “Grand Escape” and “Celebration.” I’m not sure where frontman Yojiro Noda found her, but I highly suggest future collaborations with this hopeful rising...
Weathering With Youseemed to be made in a way where the story and the songs compliment each other, rather than just a track made to fit the mood. The most emotional and songs played at the perfect moments, where the lyrics told a story of their own. ...
“magical” element that adds an interesting wrinkle to the love story set amidst an otherwise regular world; and a use of spare piano and string scores for majority of the film’s run time until deploying modern Japanese pop songs for moments of realization and/or declaration of feelings. ...
There’s very little that you wrote on this album. Is it hard to write songs when you’re having a good time? Allan: You know, I don’t think it’s that. I did write a lot. But I always try to be honest with myself when it comes to whether or not I can...