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State:Texas State High:21 °CMcAllen State Low:8 °CHereford Max Wind:19 km/hCommerce °C Weather in Texas(71 Locations) Abilene星期六 9時56分 13 °CGladewater星期六 9時56分 15 °CMidland星期六 9時56分 14 °C Allen星期六 9時56分 ...
Weather Time Zone DST Changes Sun & Moon Eclipses State Capital Trenton -1 °C Clear. Feels Like: -5 °C Forecast: 2 / -5 °C Wind: 13 km/h↑from Northwest State:New Jersey State High:2 °CWildwood State Low:-2 °CMillville ...
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State: Washington State High: 8°C Vancouver State Low: -2 °C Wenatchee Max Wind: 17 km/h Oak Harbor°C Weather in Washington (30 Locations) Arlington 星期一 4時39分 4°C Okanogan 星期一 4時39分 -2 °C Shelton 星期一 4時39分 5°C Battle Ground 星期一 4時39分 8°C Olympia 星...
State High:1 °CWamsutter State Low:-17 °CThermopolis Max Wind:46 km/hGreen River Weather in Wyoming(8 Locations) Casper星期二 16時12分 -14 °CJackson星期二 16時12分 -1 °CThermopolis星期二 16時12分 -17 °C Cheyenne星期二 16時12分 ...