weather underground中文版是一款功能强大的天气应用,和我们大家所熟悉的和墨迹天气等许多气象应用是差不多的,不过个人感觉这个软件的功能非常的强大,它除了提供了互动雷达、卫星地图和恶劣天气提醒,还包含了天气、卫星照片、数据分享、专业数据甚至实时气象视频。其中最强大的可以说是实时气象视频了,在全球各地都部署了天气...
除了提供互动雷达、卫星地图和恶劣天气提醒,全新的 Weather Underground Android 版应用程序还提供全球最准确的超本地化天气预报。我们特有的天气爱好者社区成员利用自家后院中的气 象站报告实时数据,这种集群来源的数据可针对您所在的精确位置预报天气。 weather underground app功能 ●状态通知:即时查看当前温度和天气状况...
weather underground app简介 除了提供互动雷达、卫星地图和恶劣天气提醒,全新的 Weather Underground Android 版应用程 序还提供全球最准确的超本地化天气预报。我们特有的天气爱好者社区成员利用自家后院中的气 象站报告实时数据,这种集群来源的数据可针对您所在的精确位置预报天气。
全球气象报告app(Weather Underground)软件介绍 Weather Underground Android 应用程序提供全球最准确的超本地天气预报,此外,还提供卫星和地图。我们特有的天气爱好者社区成员利用自己后院中的气象站报告实时数据,这种集群来源的数据可提供针对您精确位置的天气预报。
关于Weather UndergroundWeather Underground 成立于 1995 年,是全球*家在线天气服务提供商,通过手机应用程序和网站,为全球许多领先的传媒公司和数百万用户提供气象数据解决方案。Weather Underground 利用超过 33000 个私人气象站,能够实时提供可靠而有意义的天气数据。Weather Underground 是 The Weather ...
Discover a reliable, real-time and hyper-local forecast that will always warn you about upcoming severe weather. Weather Underground combines data from over 250…
Customized experience: set your app with light & dark modes and various map types and units.DISCOVER THE UNIQUE FEATURES OF WEATHER UNDERGROUNDInteractive weather maps with Nexrad radar technology & severe weather alerts: The most interactive weather maps on mobile allow you to select from different...
- Weather notification bar: Keeps weather running underground for realtime, you can see the temperature on android system bar without opening app- Lock screen with info: temps, rain, clouds & clock widget weather- Track the whether in multiple locations- Chance of rain, moon phrase, moon ...
WeatherBit Yes 16 0** No Yes* -- Visual Crossing Yes 15 336 No Yes -- Yes 15 108 No Depends Previously known as Climacell AccuWeather Yes 5*** 12 No No* Limited free calls Weather Underground Yes 5 0 No No -- Pirate Weather Yes 7 168 Yes Depends --Open...
The Weather Channel and provide a national and local weather forecast for cities, as well as weather radar, report and hurricane coverage