Weather in Tuas, SingaporeTime/General Weather Time Zone DST Changes Sun & Moon Weather TodayWeather Hourly14 Day ForecastYesterday/Past WeatherClimate (Averages) Now 28 °C Passing clouds. Feels Like: 32 °CForecast: 33 / 24 °CWind: 6 km/h ↑ from Northeast Location: Singapore / Paya...
248.7 Dec 31 24 304.9 Showing: 十二月 Climate & Weather Averages in Tuas High Temp:31 °C Low Temp:24 °C Mean Temp:28 °C Precipitation:304.9 mm Humidity:82% Dew Point:24 °C Wind:16 km/h Pressure:1010 mbar Visibility:10 km
Wind rose for the Malekroud forest (from 2003 to 2019 during 26 October to 26 January) [65]. F[tairt6inieigee5gsgesspot]pue.ftetooremehIIrefctfnnmieetpAtotimetetIvppedh3hmnmeree.peeaflrtWrpyrpehnatinoeuorteeei(remuandrsrxanxetedrattuetfee2tuasrrurxs6atnooFreettrnesmideOpegseadpat,uhcna...