13° Partly Cloudy AQI 23 Tonight: Shower Rain. Tomorrow: Shower Rain, little colder than today(15°), Windy and AQI is good. 14KM/H E 84% Humidity Very Low UV 11° Feels Like 24km Visibility 0.0mm Precipitation 1000hPa Pressure ...
today, tomorrow, etc. Richard 2/6/2014 05:19 In addition to my post above...how can we disable the URL link on the "current"...I tried ";nolink"...but it seems to have no effect. Juerg 2/6/2014 12:19 Richard,we just checked and the web part gives 23C (observation time ...
32° Cloudy AQI 22 Tonight: Partly Cloudy. Tomorrow: Hot, hotter than today(37°), Windy and AQI is good. 15KM/H E 56% Humidity Low UV 33° Feels Like 16km Visibility 0.0mm Precipitation 1020hPa Pressure 24H Forecast 8pm 10pm 11pm 0am 2am 4am 5am 6am 8am ...
Tonight: Partly Cloudy. Tomorrow: Shower Rain, cooler than today(27°), Windy and AQI is good. 16KM/H NE 73% Humidity Moderate UV 22° Feels Like 16km Visibility 0.0mm Precipitation 1016hPa Pressure 24H Forecast 11pm 1am 2am 3am 5am 7am 8am 9am 11am 1pm ...
23° Cloudy AQI 22 Tonight: Cloudy. Tomorrow: Partly Cloudy, hotter than today(28°), Windy and AQI is good. 14KM/H E 90% Humidity Low UV 24° Feels Like 8km Visibility 0.0mm Precipitation 1024hPa Pressure 24H Forecast 8pm 10pm 11pm 0am 2am 4am 5am 6am 8am ...
Tonight: Light Rain. Tomorrow: Shower Rain, warmer than today(6°), Windy. 24KM/H ENE 90% Humidity Very Low UV -3° Feels Like 11km Visibility 0.5mm Precipitation 1020hPa Pressure 24H Forecast 7pm 9pm 10pm 11pm 1am 3am 4am 5am 7am 9am 10am 11am 1pm ...