Weather in Kansas City, Missouri, USATime/General Weather Time Zone DST Changes Sun & Moon Weather TodayWeather Hourly14 Day ForecastYesterday/Past WeatherClimate (Averages) Now 2°C Overcast. Feels Like: -1 °CForecast: 8 / -2 °CWind: 13 km/h ↑ from Southwest Location: Kansas City...
Today's forecast Scattered clouds. Chilly. Hi: 37°F / 3°C Lo: 26°F / -3°C Tomorrow's forecast Mostly cloudy. Chilly. Hi: 41°F / 5°C Lo: 23°F / -5°C Other weather locations in Missouri Kansas CitySpringfield Current Time in Kansas City, Missouri, United States ...
Weather in New York, Missouri, USATime/General Weather Time Zone DST Changes Sun & Moon Weather TodayWeather Hourly14 Day ForecastYesterday/Past WeatherClimate (Averages) Now -6 °C Clear. Feels Like: -6 °CForecast: 3 / -8 °CWind: No wind Location: Kansas City Downtown Airport Curre...
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Kansas City air quality index & pollution index In the event that the air quality/pollution data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used. IndexKansas CityMissouriNational Air quality index479742 Pollution index1,185,2801,630,2552,726,193 ...
Get the latest Kansas City news, sports and weather from KMBC. With the best local coverage and the top Missouri news stories, you can stay in the know.
The Chiefs end the regular season in Denver before a first-round bye in the playoffs. News Photo: Someone is using ‘movie money’ at rural Missouri businesses Updated: 6 hours ago | ByHeidi Schmidt Lawson police said the fake money that is supposed to be used in movies was used at two...
It's no secret that both Missouri and Illinois have had a mild winter. I keep expecting that we'll have another cold snap, but there's no sign that's going to happen.Meteorologist Nick Hausenhad an interesting share on Facebook today about what he's observing in southern Illinois. ...
Weather forecast and climate data for United States of America. Current temperature and weather conditions. Hourly weather forecast for today and tomorrow. Detailed 10 days forecast. Monthly weather forecast.
Patty Prewitt, the longest-serving female prison is Missouri will be freed. News 1 rescued as firefighters battled raging Kansas City house fire Updated: 20 hours ago | BySarah Motter A houseless individual found in the middle of a raging house fire over the weekend was rescued as crews battl...