* Updated 2025年3月3日星期一 10時42分54秒 Basra time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日
Today's forecast Passing showers. Broken clouds. Warm. Hi: 84°F / 29°C Lo: 68°F / 20°C Tomorrow's forecast Showers late. Breaks of sun late. Warm. Hi: 86°F / 30°C Lo: 67°F / 19°C Current Time in Basra, Iraq Click here for the Current Time in Basra, ...
Weather in Basra, IraqCurrent Conditions in Basra 52°F / 11°C Feels like 51.80°F / 11°C Wind: North at 2 mph / 4 km/h Humidity: 82% Pressure: 30 inches / 1016 mb Sunrise: 6:07AM Sunset: 5:52PM Conditions updated at Sun, 09 Mar 2025 03:57:09 AST ...
Basra Iraq 2025-03-24 2025-03-24 08:3716° Haze AQI 70 Today: It's Haze during the day and Clear at night, the temperature is about the same as yesterday. The wind is strong and AQI is moderate. 29KM/H WNW 37% Humidity High UV 10° Feels Like 5km Visibility 0.0mm ...
Umm Qasr Basra - Iraq 2025-03-26 2025-03-26 12:4227° Sunny AQI 86 Today: It's Sunny during the day and Clear at night, the temperature is about the same as yesterday. Windy and AQI is moderate. 24KM/H NW 16% Humidity High UV 22° Feels Like 16km Visibility 0.0mm ...
Basra real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
7 Basra 4.9mm 8 Badrah 4.3mm 9 Rawandoz 4.2mm 10 Al Faw 3.6mm Nearby Al Diwaniyah 25°~10° Ar Rumaythah 27°~12° Al Qasim 24°~8° Ash Shamiyah 24°~10° Nahiyat Ghammas 25°~11° Kut 25°~9° Al Hayy 26°~10° Al Mishkhab 24°~10° Nahiyat ash ...
5 Basra 0.0mm 6 Al Fallujah 0.0mm 7 Al Faw 0.0mm 8 Al Harithah 0.0mm 9 Al Hayy 0.0mm 10 Al Hindiyah 0.0mm Nearby Abu Ghurayb 32°~17° As Suwayrah 31°~12° Baqubah 31°~10° Al Fallujah 29°~16° Ad Dujayl 31°~10° Al Khalis 31°~10° Al Musayyib...
Basra 22°~11° Qada' al Hamdaniyah 28°~11° Piranshahr 17°~3° Mosul 28°~11° Tall Kayf 28°~11° Al Mawsil al Jadidah 28°~11° Kirkuk 27°~13° QWeather APP Visualize Your Weather Weather API/SDK Need weather data service?NEED...
5 Basra 29° 6 Nahiyat al Fuhud 29° 7 Umm Qasr 29° 8 Amarah 28° 9 Nasiriyah 28° 10 Ar Rumaythah 27° 1 Mandali 31.7mm 2 Shekhan District 16.8mm 3 Halabjah 15.8mm 4 Banjuwin 12.7mm 5 Kifri 11.7mm 6 Chamchamal 7.7mm 7 Suran 7.7mm 8 Tuzkhurmatu 7.5mm...