Spruce Pine 30 days forecast, weather trend in the next 30 days, also 30 days precipitation forecast and Spruce Pine travel weather forecast
Hourly 36 Hours Precip Start Stop Last 24 Hours Weekend Severe Weather Outlook Long Term 14 Day Trend Monthly Calendar Lifestyle Airport Forecast Attractions Beach Report Camping Cottage Report Golf Marine Parks School Day Ski Environment UV Allergy Outlook Air Quality Pollen Health & ...
In 2004…severe thunderstorm winds toppled a 65-foot blue spruce tree in Parker. The tree landed on a home damaging the roof and gutters. The downed tree poked dozens of holes into the shingles. In 2013…severe thunderstorm winds… with gusts estimated to 80 mph…downed power poles which ...
In 2013…a storm system produced heavy snow in the Front Range Foothills. Storm totals included: 12 inches near Black Mountain and Pine Junction…10 inches near Conifer and Nederland; 9 inches…12 miles northwest of Golden; 8 inches near Evergreen…with 6 inches near Eldorado Springs. Snow a...
Scots pineNorway spruceCarbonwaterWe studied the occurrence of extreme weather events and their effects on the carbon dioxide and water exchange of two subarctic forest stands. One study site was a Scots pine site in eastern Finnish Lapland (Vrri), and the other was a Norway spruce site in ...
spruce, larch (Larix) and stone pine (Pinus pinea) (Wieser et al.2013; Wieser et al.2002; Nunn et al.2006; Zapletal et al.2012) and Mediterranean species such asquercusspecies (Calatayud et al.2011; Gerosa et al.2008; Manes et al.2007)....
The site straddles the ecotone between the pine-dominated forest to the east (downslope from the flux tower) and the spruce/fir-dominated forest to the west (upslope from the flux tower). For a more detailed description of forest structure including a treatment of spatial heterogeneity, see ...
The results indicate that the planting of Scots pine seedlings in the autumn should be avoided. Norway spruce seedlings can be planted even in October when the work quality is good and suitable sites are selected for plantings.doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2018.03.040Luoranen, Jaana...