organizations for climate research based in Southern Africa, developed risk maps for malaria for each country of the region, using tools such as weather forecast data. 世卫组织非洲区域办事处与设于南部非洲的气 候 研究 组织一道,利用如气象预报数据等工具为 该区域的每个国家拟订...
2) weather research and forecast 天气研究预报模式(WRF)3) prediation and study of prediation method 预报及方法研究4) mesoscale weather forecast model 中尺度天气预报模式5) mid-range numerical weather forecast model 中期数值天气预报模式
The Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) project is a multi-year/multi-institution collaboration to develop a next generation regional forecast model and data assimilation system for operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) and atmospheric research. Under this project – a collaboration ...
The Global Weather Research and Forecasting (GWRF) Model: Model Evaluation, Sensitivity Study, and Future Year Simulation Global WRF (GWRF) is an extension of the mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model that was developed for global weather research and forecast... Z Yang,J Hempe...
Implementing the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model with local data assimilation in a National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office (WFO) ( Annualwafnw)
Weather Research and Forecasting modelHere we assess the predictive skill of short-range weather forecasts from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with the help of micrometeorological tower observations. WRF model forecasts at a 3-h temporal resolution and 5000-m spatial resolution are...
The Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) is known as the next-generation mesoscale weather forecast model. Many meteorological organizations use WRF for meteorological research and forecasting. Due to the huge amount of geographic information and real-time meteorological data and the complex comp...
Performance and portability are important but conflicting concerns in the development of the Weather Research and Forecast model, a next-generation community mesoscale model for numerical weather prediction and atmospheric research. Efficiency depends on the ability to realize significant percentages of peak...
The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) is used to provide 6-12-h forecasts of the necessary input parameters to a separate algorithm that determines the most likely precipitation type at each model grid point. In instances where freezing rain is indicated, an ice accretion model allows...
To achieve a high-quality simulation of the surface wind field in the Chukchi/Beaufort Sea region, quick scatterometer (QuikSCAT) ocean surface winds were assimilated into the mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting model by using its three-dimensional variational data assimilation system. The SeaWi...