Weather Report and Forecast of China Last updated: Dec 04th, 2023 As the saying goes, good weather is the best companion for a magical journey. Take this special note for your China trip! Find the best time for your next trip to enjoy the best of China! Beijing Beijing has a ...
Latest results (Nov. 2024):Atmospheric radiation is decreasing in 2024. Our latest measurements in November registered a 10-year low: What's going on? Ironically, the radiation drop is caused by increasing solar activity. Solar Cycle 25 hasroared to lifefaster than forecasters expected. The sun...
report flood events have not increased. "Consistent with previous analyses (see e.g. Montanari, 2012; Zanchettini et al., 2008)," they write, "our trend detection analysis, which we carried out on long historical series observed for the Po river, does not detect any evidence of a ...
We compare GenCast to ENS, currently the best operational ensemble forecast, which we regridded from its (pre-June 2023) native 0.2° latitude–longitude resolution to 0.25°. ENS contains 50 perturbed ensemble members, so we used 50-member GenCast ensembles to perform all evaluations. The pub...
With an average ERA5 surface air temperature of 14.10 C, 0.73 C above the 1991-2020 median for November, last month's warmth was second only toNovember 2023. The median temperature last month was 1.62 C above the pre-industrial level, according to ...
Since 2007, daylight saving time starts on the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of November, with all time changes taking place at 2:00 AM (0200) local time. Daylight Savings Time Schedule Not too bad of a day ahead for us. Most of the day will be calm and dry...
With an average ERA5 surface air temperature of 14.10 C, 0.73 C above the 1991-2020 median for November, last month's warmth was second only toNovember 2023. The median temperature last month was 1.62 C above the pre-industrial level, according to ...
( cold cool snowy cloudy sunny ) 1. Good morning,this is the weather report.It's in Harbin. 2. It's very .It's in Beijing. 3. It's in Kunming today. 4. How about Guangzhou?It's . 三、选择题。 ( )1.Christmas is in . A.October B.November C.December ( )2.It's ___ ou...
7-Sep-2023 Record Low:-34.9°C 30-Apr-2022 Wetbulb:8.7°C Rain Today Today:4.4 mm Storm Rain:8.0 mm Yesterday:2.6 mm Last 7 Days:3.6 mm Feb Rain:10.8 mm Feb to Date Avg:1044.4 mm Feb to Date Diff from Avg:1033.6 mm Feb Avg:74.3 mm ...
Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds Masson-Delmotte, V. et al.) 1927–2058 (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2021). Conrick, R. & Mass, C. F. The influence of soil moisture on the Historic 2021 ...