El Nino is the name of the bad weather that happens in the Pacific Ocean.In summer, the rain falls on South Asia.But in some years, the Pacific Ocean moves this rainfall east. This warms the ocean as it travels, before finally reaching the coasts of North and South America.Unluckily, ...
is in the world, it is called either a hurricane, a typhoon, or a cyclone.If tropical cyclones move over the northwestern Pacific Ocean, they're called typhoons. _2 In the South Pacific or the Indian Ocean, they're called cyclones.The centre of a tropical cyclone is called the “eye"...
North Pacificrainisohyetal patterns/ A9260 Lower atmosphereDetermination of precipitation at ocean weather stations in the North Pacific reveals much less annual rain than previous estimates, except in the northwestern part of the ocean, as well as a stronger north-south gradient. Seasonal ...
) in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, known as El Nino, and opposite phases of cooler tropical waters called La Nina. ( 厄尔尼诺南方涛动( ENSO )可能是最著名的气候遥相关现象。它包括减弱的信风导致东部热带太平洋温暖的表层水域形成厄尔尼诺现象的阶段,以及相对较冷的热带水域形成拉尼娜现象的阶段。 )...
In North and CentralAmerica they are called hurricanes,Pacific n.太平洋in the North Pacific they are calledtyphoons, and in the Indian Ocean and SouthPacific they are called cyclones. These stormsare huge: they can be over 500 kilometres wide.They start at sea and move towards land. Whenthey...
One manifestation of such weather-affecting interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere is what scientists call the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). It is believed that ENSO is responsible not only for unusual weather events in the equatorial Pacific region (e.g., the exceedingly ...
The 2023-2024 winter was characterized by strong El Nino conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, and brought widespread above-average precipitation to Southern California for the second year ... May 7, 2024 Storm Totals: May 3rd-5th, 2024 - posted 2:03 AM A low pressure system moved ...
FILE PHOTO: An aerial view of flooded land near the border with Queensland, and north of the town of Goodooga, New South Wales January 6, 2011. REUTERS/Damian Shaw/Pool/File Photo CANBERRA (Reuters) - There are early signs that a La Nina weather event may form in the Pac...
El Nino lasts about a year.In normal weather conditions, warm winds from South Americ a blow from east to west across the Pacific Ocean. The winds carry storms to Australia. These storms bring rain to Australia. However during an El Nino weather pattern, the winds blow from west to east ...
La Niña, cyclic counterpart to El Niño, consisting of a cooling of surface waters of the Pacific Ocean along the western coast of South America. While its local effects on weather and climate are generally the opposite of those associated with El N