Milford real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
The RAC said lanes on sections of the M20 in Kent were closed because of the snow and there was also disruption on the A20 between Dover and Folkestone.Canterbury was hit by severe black ice, while part of the A3 at Milford in Surrey was closed, as was a section of the A14 in ...
Milford 6°~-2° Bordon 6°~-1° Farnham 6°~-2° Godalming 6°~-2° Liss 6°~-1° Midhurst 6°~-2° QWeather APP Visualize Your Weather Weather API/SDK Need weather data service?NEED WEATHER DATA ? Weather Get APP Forecast Air Quality Severe Weather Satellite+Radar Busines...
HindheadWeather 30 Days Forecast Satellite+Radar Map × Hindhead Surrey - United Kingdom 2025-02-16 In the next 30 days, there will be 11 days of rain, the Max Temp is 14°(21-Feb) and the Min Temp is 0°(16-Feb, 17-Feb, 07-Mar, 09-Mar, 10-Mar). Sun Mon Tue Wed ...
BramleyWeather 30 Days Forecast Satellite+Radar Map × Bramley Surrey - United Kingdom 2025-03-04 In the next 30 days, there will be 14 days of rain, the Max Temp is 16°(08-Mar, 09-Mar) and the Min Temp is -2°(04-Mar). Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 4 12°~-2° ...