Lanzarote, Canarias, Spain - Hourly past weather, almanac for Lanzarote including historical temperature, wind, rain, pressure and humidity stats |
Average November temperatures are synonymous with it being the end of the rainy or wet season. 28°C is the average temperature in Langkawi during the month, with midday highs hitting an average 32°C, and lows averaging 23°C. The high temperatures can make being outdoors in direct sunlight...
Temperature/Sunshine Hours From April until November,Lanzaroteis mostly hot and dry. The average high temperature climbs from 24°C in April to a peak of 29°C in August, getting back down to 24°C by November. At the beginning and very end of the season, nights cool down pleasantly to...
Playa Dorada, Lanzarote Seasons May to mid-October The truth is that from May to mid-October, the weather is always warm with very little chance of rain, though there may be some cloud cover, especially in the north-west of the island. Mostly though, it will be sunny. ...
If you’re seeking warmer weather in December, consider traveling to theCanary Islands. With temperatures averaging 70°F to 75°F (21°C to 24°C), the likes of Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote offer the chance toescape colder climes to enjoy beautiful beaches and outdoor activities lik...
Temperature14 °C11 °C26 °C20 °C16 °C15 °C27 °C Clear.Overcast.Overcast.Overcast.Overcast.Overcast.Overcast. Feels Like12 °C9 °C25 °C20 °C16 °C14 °C26 °C Wind Speed17 km/h14 km/h30 km/h20 km/h19 km/h19 km/h33 km/h ...
8 Lanzarote 9.1mm 9 Valsequillo 9.1mm 10 Vega de San Mateo 9.1mm Nearby Ribadeo 15°~9° Figueras 15°~9° Tapia de Casariego 15°~9° El Franco 15°~8° Boal 13°~7° Foz 15°~10° Coaña 15°~8° Mondoñedo 14°~8° Navia 15°~8° Burela 15°~10° ...
Madrid, Spain weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 11°c / 52°f on Wed 22. Min temperature will be 1°c / 34°f on Sat 18. Most precipitation falling will be 4.96 mm / 0.20 inch on Tue 21. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 35 ...
The seven Canary Islands (Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Gomera, La Palma, and El Hierro) are beautiful all year round, but you may prefer to visit each of them at a different time of year. This isolated group of islands is home to bellowing volcanoes, sweeping ...
Where’s Hot In March Where’s Hot In April Where’s Hot In May Where’s Hot In June Where’s Hot In July Where’s Hot In August Where’s Hot In September Where’s Hot In October Where’s Hot In November Where’s Hot In December...